- Four

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Adisyn Kay Wise | 2 years ago

It feels like summer is the time of love? Everyone finds themselves a new love or they go on vacation with their love? There's something about summer that brings around love. Something about summer attracts love to peoples lives. Summer is the season of love?

Everywhere I look I see a couple, really cute couples too! They look happy and there are even some who are just meeting each other, some ran into people and made their perfect love story. It feels like love is everywhere around, even for kids! I just saw a little girl receive a rose from a kid and their parents were aweing in love.

Children in love is possibly the cutest things I could ever see!

They look happy filled with life, the way they respect each other and believe holding hands is like giving someone a kiss is adorable! I think it's even more adorable when they slowly hold hands, for example; They are walking and their hands slide into each other! I think it's cute how well they respect each other? I don't know, there's something about kids being in love that gives me butterflies and makes me believe love is real.

Summer is like that, it gives me possibilities that love is real and I don't know if that's good or if that's deeply terrible? I would take it as a good sign that can turn bad in the ending. You get your hopes up but while it lasts, it's pretty fucking cool!

And of course to every great thing in life comes the ending— "Where do you want to go next?" As sweet as he has been he keeps interrupting my thoughts?

He is walking beside me with my bag in his hand looking around the city as if he's new here? I'm the one who has never been here?

"You need to stop interrupting my thoughts," I say raising my brow as he continues to walk beside me. He doesn't respond and just continues to walk silently looking around for a place? He looks like he's trying to find something or someone..? He continues to look from side to side searching for someone, this time I know it's a someone because he's looking around at people?

"What are you looking for?" I question as he ignores me and continues to look around? "It's awfully rude—"

He grabs my arm and snatches me behind a wall? His hand on my mouth preventing me from speaking, my muffled voice hitting his hand asking for an explanation! What in the fucking world?

He peaks his head out a bit more and before I could say another word he pulls my arm as he runs down the hidden streets without a clue where he is going. I know he doesn't know where he is going because he keeps on running looking for somewhere to hide? He goes on the side and lightly pushes me to the wall?

What the fuck?!

My muffled voice speaking with his hand still on my mouth, he removes it and looks to the side "WHAT THE FUCK—" Before I could finish my complaining he puts his hand back on my mouth not allowing me to speak.

"Shut up! Whisper don't tell for fucks sake!"

How am I supposed to remain calm when you just slammed your fucking hand on my mouth and without an explanation you looked at a guy and decided to run? I am not going to recreate Tangled, it was my favorite childhood movie but not just because of that am I going to recreate the scenes?

This is what I get for going out with a stranger!

He removes his hand from my mouth "What the fuck was that for?" I loudly whisper asking for an explanation... He laughs. This bitch laughs. He laughs lightly still looking to the side of the wall?

"What the hell?"

"Listen," His hand telling me to come up close so I do "Shut up." He whispers as a smile caves in, his head peaking throughout the window and his leg tapping impatiently? He looks to be looking or hiding from someone, he is awfully impatient too. I'm highly more patient but of course, that's another thing I will teach him; How to be patient 101. The thought of it makes me smile as I try to peak. He grabs my chin moving me back to look forward at him?

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