chapter 24

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Chapter 24 : Revealed Truths

On the day after the battle with Gigantomachia, Izuku stood before the door of Nedzu's office. The young man had just received a message from Nedzu that both Mirai (a.k.a. Sir Nighteye) and Sorahiko (a.k.a. Gran Torino) were already waiting in the office with him and Toshinori (a.k.a. All Might).

Izuku swallowed nervously as he stood outside Nedzu's office with Yuuyu standing between him and Nejire. Considering the fact that he was about to reveal a very scandalous truth to not only the two girls beside him but also the two pro-heroes who personally knew the former Symbol of Peace, he felt justified to be worried. That was not even counting the fact that he would soon reveal One For All to the two girls who were with him at the moment since there was no way he could explain his harem situation without mentioning about the quirk and the vestiges that live within it.

Yes, Nedzu had given him permission to reveal the truth about the quirk to the two girls.

Yuuyu frowned as she glanced at Izuku and thought, "I get that he helped out in taking down Gigantomachia, never mind the summer camp incident and even the sports festival before that, but I still don't see what's so 'strange and special' about him that Nejire-chan can't stop thinking about him."

Unlike Yuuyu, Nejire we smiling broadly as she was finally going to learn more about Izuku, the boy who somehow managed to get over twenty ladies to like him.

Aware that he could not avoid whatever might happen next, even with Nedzu and Toshinori's support, Izuku took a deep breath before entering Nedzu's office with Yuuyu and Nejire following his lead...

--- One slimy reveal and a really awkward explanation later... ---

Mirai, Sorahiko, Yuuyu and even Nejire were gaping dumbly as they stared at a certain pink ball of slime which was currently seated on Izuku's lap. While both Izuku and Toshinori were understandably nervous and embarrassed, Nedzu simply smiled while sipping his tea as though nothing shocking had been revealed to anyone. In fact, Nedzu was counting down while sipping his tea which a smile on his face, "Three... Two... One..."

Right on cue, Mirai stood up and yelled at Toshinori and Nedzu, "Are you two out of your damn minds?!"

Toshinori leaned back with a frightened expression on his face as he had never seen Mirai so furious before. Izuku, who was not the target of Mirai's ire at the moment, was equally scared. Nedzu on the other hand was completely undaunted as he continued to sip his tea calmly while allowing Mirai to voice out his grievances.

Mirai, who was normally a stern yet calm individual, was yelling at the top of his voice as he continued to rant, "Never mind the fact that One For All is currently in the hands of a boy who, no offence meant, is still having trouble using its full potential, but that same boy, whom All Might has entrusted to take his place as the next symbol among heroes, is also presently in the centre of what's arguably the biggest sex scandal in all of pro-hero history, if not the entirety of the quirked-human era! Do you two even comprehend the possible backlash that will ensue if the truth of the so-called 'Harem Plan' is revealed to the public, especially since it basically hinges on the loyalty of a former villainess, who's a former sex offender no less, and that even pro-heroines have joined the harem?! It'll make even the 'Endeavour Scandal' look like small potatoes in comparison!!"

Everyone, other than Nedzu, stared at at the gasping Mirai as though he had gone insane. Although intimidated by the furious man who was still catching his breath, both Toshinori and Izuku knew that he had a point. Even though the 'Harem Plan' had played a vital role in finally locating the traitor within U.A. High School, as well as convincing Himiko Toga to stop being a villain, there was simply no denying the the truth in Mirai's justified fears. After all, the scandal would negatively affect everyone who was associated with Izuku, including the Symbol of Peace himself. What was more, the plan was indeed dependent on Sumomo who was a villainous sex offender before she decided to accept Izuku, Ochako and Tsuyu as her first genuine companions.

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