Beats (Ashton Irwin)

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I'm gonna be honest... I didn't plan any of this. Actually, I promised myself last year that this year I wouldn't weaken myself for any boy, by that I mean fall for someone or even like someone, but here's what happened...

Autumn was at it's best, and I had changed schools because my dad and I moved to New South Wales so I was going to attend Richmond High School now. I have to say I'm not good at making friends, and it's a little obvious for someone who is constantly moving out, but this time something really changed.

I got into my first class and I took a sit on the second seat of a line that was near to the professor's desk. It was not awkward at all because I was right on time so I didn't have that moment when the new kid arrives late and has to introduce himself to the class; I just had it later when the professor did a roll call, which was a little weird as no one does it at this time of the quarter. I had to stand up in front of the class and introduce myself.

"Hi, everyone! I'm Aubrey Jones, but you can call me Bree. I'm from Sidney, but I've lived in many cities around the world; last stop was North Yorkshire in England..." I was supposed to say something interesting or something I would like everyone to remember about me, but I just started rambling.

"Where else you've been? Have you lived more abroad than in here?" A boy with straight blonde hair asked. I was shocked; I wasn't saying anything interesting, and I really never thought someone would ask anything when you're introducing yourself in class.

"Uh... I don't really have counted them all; I've lived in so many places that I had lost track of them, but I've certainly lived in Australia for most of my life." No one else asked anything so I went back to my seat which was actually next to the guy who asked me the question. He smiled at me once I sat down.

Once the class ended I went out real quick to put my books in my locker and take the others for my next two classes out. I continued with my day practically doing the same thing in every class; introducing myself to my classmates. It was interesting though that no one asked me anything in my other classes so I felt so intrigued about this boy who asked me something on our first class in the morning. At the end of the day I had my last class, which was Math. I entered the classroom and took a sit, I took my notebook out of my backpack, and I received a text from the only friend I have so I checked it. I felt someone poking my shoulder so I turned back immediately.

"Hey! Do you have an extra pencil?" It was him. I didn't quite remember his name.

"Sure!" I took a pencil out of my pencil case. "Here!"

"Thanks!" He smirked and took the pencil. I stared at him smiling. "What?" He asked and I suddenly got nervous. In my head I was cursing at myself for even thinking his hazel eyes were beautiful.

"Uh... No, nothing, it's just... Aren't you with me on my English class?" I asked him.

"Oh, right! A-Aubrey, right?" He said.

"Yes! How do you remember my name?" I giggled.

"Well you're the new girl, I just heard your name today. It's weird, I remember names easily when I hear them for the first time." He shrugged. "I might not remember it tomorrow." He chuckled.

"Oh!" I laughed. "I'm sorry, I don't remember yours."

"Ashton!" He said smiling.

"Ashton?" I intended to ask for his last name.

"Let's leave it like that! Last names are too formal." He smiled. "Just call me Ash, and I'll call you Bree, okay?" He winked at me.

"Okay!" I said smiling.


By the end of the week I had figured out my class schedule; I was with Ashton in most of my classes. We had classes together on Monday's, Wednesday's, and Friday's morning, and Monday's and Tuesday's afternoon, and we also were in the Music Club together. He plays the drums and guitar, and he's not a bad singer. I don't play anything, but I sing and know a little about percussion. Anyways, having lots of classes together was not the only reason we became friends; there was definitely some kind of chemistry between us. I made a couple of friends in my other classes, but I hanged out with Ash more than I did with them.

I was not keeping my promise of not falling for anyone because I actually started to have a crush on Ash after a couple of weeks of meeting him. He was always a little flirtatious and really funny and kind, but I knew not even that could be a reason to break my promise. By the time that the quarter was ending my feelings for Ashton were really deep, I couldn't stand starring at him because my face would turn red, and in my head I will be hating myself for that.

I tried to keep my promise, but then one day at the Music Club we were all doing our own thing, I was practicing some melodies with the other singers, the guitarists were practicing the bridge of a song we were going to perform at an art festival, bassists, saxophonists, violinists... They were also practicing; we were all in our own thing. Suddenly the drummers started to make a lot of noise, I looked at Ash who was playing one of the drums, he was so into what he was doing that he didn't notice how noisy he was. I walked closer to him, and he caught a glimpse at me and smiled. He started to play with more rhythm and that's when I realized what he was trying to do. I stood up on a table and started to follow the beat with my feet, the choir started singing melodies, and everyone joined eventually. It felt like a musical. Ash stopped playing the drums and stood up on the table I was on, he followed the beat I was still making with my feet, but then once he learned the song, he started to sing with me. He was getting closer and closer until he put my hands on his and intertwined our fingers, he came closer and kissed me. They continued playing for a couple more seconds until they noticed what happened, and we broke the kiss. Everything was silent, and I couldn't stop smiling. Ash turned around looking at his drummer fellows, and they cheered him up. The rest was still shocked just as I was. Ash grabbed my hand and took me outside.

"What was that?" I said once we were outside.

"Honestly? I don't know! I just felt I needed to do it. I like you, a lot. Since the first day I saw you, there was something about you that got me intrigued, I wanted to know you." I smiled.

"I like you too, a lot!" He kissed me.


A/N: I'm back! Hehe...
I'm sorry! I have been too stressed out and I've been so busy this semester with lots of projects from college and with my acting classes... But I'm working on a new book, and I'm also continuing with the California Dreaming book so stay around! :)

Love xx

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