Falling Over Me (Josh Hutcherson)

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I went in the party. I didn't really wanted to come, but my best friend insisted. I just hope she's not setting anything up for me because I'm really not in the mood. I've had a rough week, my grades are getting lower, my big bro just went to college, so I have no one to talk to at home, and by far the greatest low of the week... My boyfriend dumped me. It could even be awarded the way he cut everything up. Turns out we had a date, he planned it, and about ten minutes before the time he said he was going to pick me up he texted me: "Hey! I'm calling out sick... But btw we're done" Like what the heck! He wouldn't have planned anything, and just tell me he was not going to date me anymore, and what with the calling out sick... Anyway he then changed his status almost on all of his social networks to "Single and ready to mingle" I really hated myself for not putting his notifications off. He couldn't be more childish, immature, and ridiculous, but it still hurt. I thought he was... "Anyways just get him out of your head Maya..." It was my friend's voice echoing in my head.

"Sorry! I was not really..." I said.

"Yes! You were definitely thinking about that son of a—" She almost yelled at me.

"Okay! You're right! Though I'm not letting you lose your senses over this, so let's just enjoy the night." I interrupted her.

"Glad to hear you say that! C'mon let's dance!" She grabbed my hand and pulled me to the dance floor. We started dancing, but I wasn't feeling good, so I told her I was going to get a drink. I went to the bar and ordered a seltzer and lime.

"Not a drinker?" A really good looking guy asked me.

"Just not tonight! Don't want to go all crazy and do something stupid."

"Having a rough day then? Well I pity you!"

"More like a rough week, but thanks!" I smiled at him.

"I don't wanna get you in trouble, but you look too young to be here... Although I'm okay with people drinking before twenty-one. I mean is silly to let adults drink until they turn twenty-one, right?" He whispered close to me.

"Oh! Uh... Um... Yeah! I'm eighteen actually..." I gave him a shy smile. "I've never heard anyone say that before. I always thought everyone was against eighteen year olds drinking alcohol."

"Well it's kinda silly... I mean if you're mature enough to make decisions by yourself, and you know how to handle it then I see no trouble on drinking."

"Yeah! You're right!" I giggled.

"Here are your drinks!" The barista said.

"Thanks!" We both said. "I'll pay for hers!" The guy said.

"Oh, no, no! You don't have to!" I stopped him.

"No problem! I'll pay!" He paid both drinks.

"You really didn't have to!" I said and felt my cheeks blushing.

"You don't have to blush!" He said and touched my cheek bone with his finger.

"Oh... I'm sorry!" I went all awkward. "Thank you by the way, for paying my drink!"

"It's fine! I'll do it again if I could!" He smiled. "So... What's your name?"

"I don't know if I can trust a stranger..." I said a little flirtatious.

"Joshua, Joshua Hutcherson!" He smiled.

"Well, Joshua... I'm Maya, Maya Williams!" I giggled.

"You can call me Josh tho."

"And you can call me... Well, Maya!" I giggled. I don't know why I'm too flirty all of a sudden.

"Well Maya... Nice to meet you!" He giggled.

"Maya!" I said.

"Wait don't confuse me... Maya or Well Maya?" He laughed. "Sorry! That was really bad..."

"It's fine! I'm having fun."

"Great! It's a real pleasure to meet you anyways!"

"It is to me too!" I smiled.

"Hey Josh! Come over here!" Some guys called Josh.

"It's okay! Go!" I said as he was looking at me like he didn't want to go. "Thanks, for the drink!"

"Anytime! So... See you around I guess..." He went with his friends.


I went back to our table after an exhausting hour of dance. My friend was in the bathroom, so I was in complete silence looking at the dance floor, and all the people dancing, some really got some good moves, others just tried to move following the beat, it was amusing. There he was across the room, Josh was talking with his friends. He was laughing, and I could only think what was he laughing at. I wanted to be the reason why he smiled like that... Wait what? Oh you must be kidding... I just want to know him better. Suddenly he looked my way, he almost looked away, but he stared. I smiled, and he smiled back.

"Maya! Maya, are you thinking about..." My friend patted my shoulder a little harsh, so I jumped a little. I saw Josh laughing at me, so I smiled.

"No, no I'm not!" I said looking at her.

"Great! I'm gonna go to the karaoke, wanna come?"

"Will there be karaoke?" I asked.

"Yeah! Very soon! Come with me."

"Nah! I'm fine!" I said.

"Oh, c'mon! Don't stay here all grumpy..."

"I really don't want to go..."

"Okay! Then I'll stay here!"

"No, no, no! Go! You love karaoke! I'll stay over here listening to you."

"Alright!" She shook my shoulder and went to the karaoke that was near the bar.

Once she was gone I looked over where Josh was, but he wasn't there anymore, so my expression changed a little.

"Looking for someone?" I heard a familiar voice.

"No, not really! You?" I said a little harsh.

"Wow! Don't go all rude on me, lady!" Josh said with a cute smile on his face.

"I'm only joking!" I giggled.

"Hey! Do you..." He got stuck.

"Wanna dance?" I said and took him to the dance floor.

"You took my line!" He said smiling.

"You went all blank... I just helped you out!"

"I-I-I didn't..." He smiled. "Alright I did!"

We continued dancing. This has been the greatest night ever. I'm still hurt, but Josh is a guy different from the others. I kind of hope I could get to know him better, and so what... What if he's the one?

A/N: This imagine is inspired on the song Falling Over Me by Demi Lovato. I hope you liked it! 😊
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