Hello Again

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"So we're going pretty big... Um, Jo, Josephine, are you there?"

I was not listening to my agent anymore, yeah they got big news, but as the cafeteria's door bell tinkled and the corner of my eye caught a familiar silhouette entering in, I was already lost in thought. I was frozen, trapped in my body, reflecting on all the scenarios that could come out if I said or did anything.

He was there, he, was there.

"Jo!" I heard my agent calling my name, coming back from my wandering thoughts after a waitress blocked my sight.

"Yeah?" I asked, slowly placing my cup of tea back on the table.

"Um... were you listening? What just happened? It seemed like you saw a ghost." They said, shaking my arm as if I was still anywhere but there.

"What? No! I'm fine, just fine, very much fine."

"Yeah, that makes total sense. Jo, are you okay? I was telling you big news and your eyes wandered towards the entrance, you were out, completely."

"I'm sorry, it's just..." I looked back when the waitress left the table he was sitting at with his friends.

"Ok, what's going on?" My agent followed my gaze across the cafeteria, "is that tanned cutie over there? Huh!"

"What tanned cutie? What? There's no one, it's just-it was—"

"That one in the gray sweater across the room, big table, lot of friends—"

"Stop, just stop! It's nothing, it's no one." But it wasn't nothing, it wasn't no one, my agent knew, it wasn't that hard to read between the lines.

"I would have ignored it if you didn't look like you're about to throw up. Is it a good throw up or a bad one? So tell me."

"You had big news, didn't you?" I tried to move past it, ignore everything that just happened.

"C'mon, Jo!"

I looked back at them, feeling the sweat running down my neck. My stomach was in a knot, my heart pounding so fast that I thought I was in cardiac arrest, but everything around me felt safe.

"It's not a bad throw up... It's just someone from my past, from back home. I thought I would never see him again..."

"So that kind of throw up then." They smirked, "so what are you waiting for? Go on, talk to him!"

"This is a big meeting, you said. I can't just walk away to talk to an old... Friend—"

"Well, I'm allowing you to. Love can't wait, this big news can."

"It's not-it's not love, what? No, I won't go there, he's with his friends."

"Are you worried about the girls or boys that are with him?"

"Oh, my gosh, Robin! I-I-I—"

"I what?" Robin smiled, "tell you what, if you go there and talk to him I would tell you what I got for you. Only after you do, I can stretch our meeting if it needs to."

"What are you doing? This is my career you're talking about. You can't do this, our next pay depends on your news, not on me talking to Andrew."

"So it has a name... Sorry, he, it was too—"

"Robin!" I whispered loudly enough to stop them. "I can't." I rested my back on my seat expecting to stay glued to it and never leave the table.

"Jo," Robin said with a softer tone, "I know it's not my place, but you are very dear to me. You've been there for me so many times and not just as a client, but as a friend. So I guess it kinda is my place to return a favor. The last time I saw you like this you let it go and it hurt you. You submerged in your work and closed your heart to everything else. I don't want to see you like that again. It works for both of us to have constant income, but I can't let you go through something like that again."

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