VIP (Patrick Dempsey)

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A/N: This is a one-shot requested by @VettelFerrari hope you like it :)

Under the rain, walking towards the entrance of the grandstand that you bought a ticket for to see the Monaco Grand Prix race, you saw the few people left entering in. You ran towards them to follow the queue since you were already late to get a good seat, and on your way there someone bumped into you out of nowhere. You fell on your knees, and the boy who got in your way helped you up, but when he was gone and you looked for your ticket, you couldn't find it.

The boy ran faster than you have ever seen someone run. It was already not your day, and that was just unbelievable; you had waited so long to come, you spent lots of money to arrange everything for this trip just to see and experience the adrenaline that is a formula 1 race in Monaco, and everything was ruined for that boy.

You stood there in the rain, devastated, angry, and hopeless when somebody approached to you holding an umbrella. You looked up scared to see just another thief or something worse than that, but you recognized him the second your eyes met his.

"Are you okay?" Patrick Dempsey asked looking at you with worried eyes.

"What?" You said surprised to see him in front of you. You thought you were dreaming, but he was still standing there after you blinked twice to get your sight clear.

"I saw what just happened, are you okay?" He asked again.

"I-I think I am," you shrugged, "I'm just... Angry, and I don't--"

"Okay, okay," he interrupted you with a soothing voice, "what did the boy do to you? Did he steal your money?" He asked.

"Something like that, he stole my ticket," you said as a couple of tears of anger ran down your face.

"Oh God," Patrick exclaimed perplexed by what you said, "okay uh, calm down, I-I think I can help," he half smiled at you.

You stared at him still doubting his presence, and you said nothing. You were still in shock, and having Patrick Dempsey in front of you wasn't helping at all.

"Come with me, I'll take you with me to Red Bull, that okay?" He smiled, but you were still not saying anything, "Look, reporting the situation won't work... Come with me, I can't imagine how you must be feeling, but I'd like to help you. I bet you'll have a better place to see the race if you come." He smiled again.

"I don't know how to thank you for this, are you sure?" You asked.

"Hundred percent! I would be a jerk if I didn't take you with me," he chuckled.

You smiled at him, "thank you!" You managed to say. You were now in another kind of shock; Patrick Dempsey just saved your day after all.

"Come, let's get you out of the rain!" He said as he put his arm around you so you two didn't get any more wet.

Patrick walked with you all the way to the Red Bull stand, covering you from the rain. You didn't talk at all, and he said you were his guest and improvised a story when they asked why you were late; Patrick then led you to a table so you could sit down and calm your trembling.

He took his coat off and put it on your shoulders, "it's not much since it's a little wet, but it'll work," he said as he sat in front of you.

"Thank you, again," you smiled at him and pulled the coat to cover yourself a little more.

"Welcome," he stopped, looking thoughtful, "what's your name?" He asked giggling.

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