Workplace Romance (Robbie Kay)

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Damned rain, damned water that was pouring down!

I could not have possibly chosen the worst day to forget my umbrella and my raincoat. I was at home, just relaxing before work; the day seemed pretty okay and all. I even decided to walk since the restaurant is just at some blocks from my apartment. Half of the way and it started raining; I was handling it going through the crowd and under their umbrellas, and standing a while under tents of stores on the way until it started to pour.

I made it to the restaurant, but I was so wet that it looked like I bathed with clothes on, so I irrationally stayed out there waiting to dry a little. I was getting cold, but I really couldn't just go in there like if I carried a personal raining cloud over my head.

I saw a man walking towards me, but he was just going to enter in the restaurant. He stepped back and took his hood off, "hey, you okay?" He asked me with a grin on his face.

"Uh yeah, just a little cold... Because, well, I'm quite wet," I giggled at my misery.

"I noticed," he giggled himself and raised his eyebrow, "are you waiting for someone? You know, I work here so if you need to warm up I can let you in, drinks on me," he smiled.

I looked at him in disbelief, "you're quite smooth," I giggled, "I work here too though. I just don't want to go in like this."

"Oh," he looked surprised, but nervous, "you know there're uniforms in there, you can go change and leave your clothes to dry."

"I'm the new pianist, I don't wear the staff's uniform." He was pretty kind, "I should look formal and classy, fabulous your manager said."

He laughed like it suddenly became an inside joke between us, "do you start at seven?" He asked.

"Yes, I thought I could wait until then out here," as I said that out loud I realized how idiotic it was.

"Or you can come in now and I'll help you dry out--I mean I know where to get something to dry your clothes, you can wear a uniform until your dress is dry," he was nervous, but I understand that his first statement could have been interpreted as something else, he looked cute though when he suddenly widened his eyes and scratched his head.

"Well, I guess you've been here longer than me, let's give it a try!"

The stranger man, now nameless co-worker, walked me into the restaurant. I had seen it before of course, but I was in a close audition so there was nobody there; it actually looks better with people sitting in enjoying of their meals. The chandeliers lighted up the room wonderfully, and the night's flower centerpieces were so subtle that the restaurant looked like a wedding venue. We were in the kitchen faster than I thought, and all of the cooks turned their faces to us as soon as they heard the door closing.

"Rain emergency!" He said and all of them got back to their work.

We kept walking towards the back of the kitchen where there were three doors. He walked towards the one on the right and I followed him. It looked like a walk in closet, but not so elegant since just five hooks were hanging with three uniforms for women and two for men. There was a heater at the back so I immediately understood why we were there.

"Well, I'll wait out there, there's a heater, and you can change into any of the uniforms hanging there while your dress is drying."

"How do I turn it on?" I asked since the room was a little cold.

"Let me," he said and went to turn the heater on, "is your dress delicate?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Well, you don't want to ruin your dress on your first day at work and go out there with a waitress uniform, don't you?" He said and giggled.

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