Together (Harry Styles)

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A/N: This one is a request by brideofharrystyles I loved making this so much, it was such a pleasure and I hope you like it :)


     Nine months. Nine months may seem like both a long time and such a short time. If you ask me if I'm happy, I would answer positively because I am; I work at a respectable company, I am married to the best man in the world, and although it's been a little chaotic, my ever growing bump filled with nature's very own magic has brought us the most joy right after Harry and I said yes to each other, to a life shared in each other's arms, a promise to a future side by side growing older together. I love him with all my being and I know he feels the same way too, but lately I have been doubtful, scared of us falling apart instead of growing even closer. Maybe I have just been feeling lonely, but the uncertainty creeps in too often these days and creates this invisible wall between reality and possible outcomes. I have not been fully myself lately, even my brother has noticed from afar and he was very persistent on chatting it up.

I was finishing packing in two different bags all I would be needing for when the baby arrives. Harry and I were supposed to do it together but we got through just one when he got a call from his agent telling him he was needed at the studio. I saw his face when he left, it also affected me since we haven't had much time for ourselves lately and doing this was important for the both of us.

I heard the door bell ring, but I was not expecting anyone and I saw when Harry took his keys with him, so it could not be him. It rang again so I walked to the front door and checked who was outside through the peephole. A face too familiar smiled at me, as if he read my mind knowing I would be too cautious and check who could it be first.

"Liam!" I exclaimed as I opened the door.

     "Emmy, how are you two?" My brother asked as he came in and embraced me in his arms.

     "Almost due, almost due," I joked. I closed the door after he entered and we moved to the living room.

     "Aw I can't wait to meet my cute little niece," he said as we sat down, him just letting all his weight down like if he got no carry whatsoever, but I was just a bit careful sitting on the armchair in front of him.

     Liam looked at my belly with wondering eyes, "L, just come hear her through," I let him approach and there was no doubt that he wanted to talk to my belly when he smiled widely and almost ran towards me.

"Hello, little Emmy! It's your favourite most handsome uncle, are you almost ready to meet me? Did you know I am? I can't wait to meet you," he said in a sweet voice while he had his ear on my belly, "I really cannot wait to be an uncle!" He exclaimed, looking at me.

"You'll be the best!" I smiled as he put his hand on my belly to feel the baby kick, but she was calm all morning and still hasn't moved much.

"Is she asleep?"

"Maybe, I haven't felt her kick-oh wait, there she is"

"She knows I'm here!" He smiled so widely, "hey Laine, I know, I'm excited to be here too! I've missed you so much!"

"She does love her uncle," I said and Liam smiled up at me and moved away.

He sat back down in front of me keeping his proud smile for having made the baby move. It was nice having him around because just as Harry, he is always super busy. I tried to offer him a glass of water or some tea, but he refused telling me he was actually full from lunch, that maybe later on he would accept some tea. So that meant he was planning to stay long enough.

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