Dirty Dancing (Kendall Schmidt)

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"Wow, wow, wow! Guys you're losing the beat... Just relax, and follow the rhythm!" I said to my dancers. We're making up a choreography for Personal by Jessie J, and as it's a really slow song to dance it's giving us a little trouble with the hip-hop steps. "Alright! From the top!" We started dancing without the music as we were doing before to remember the sequence, and once we got it we put the music back on.

"Woo! That was a lot better" Jean my co-choreographer exclaimed when we finished the part we already had done.

"Yeah! We already know what to do! I guess we can add some more steps now, right?" I asked them, and they cheered. Jean and I showed them some other moves, and we started to practice them right away. After twenty minutes we had all the steps right, but we were tired, so we took a break.

Sean, Lizzie, and Mish were laying on the floor with their towels on their faces; they looked funny laying there. Mao, Keiran, and I were drinking water sitting near the front mirror, and we were throwing gummy bears towards them; the others were laughing because we were missing many times.

"Hey! Your boyfriend is coming today, right?" Mao asked me once we ran out of gummy bears.

"Yeah! He's kinda late actually!" I answered.

"Ye have a boyfriend?" Keiran asked with his eyes wide open.

"Yeah! Why?" I said giggling.

"Ooh! That's a fret!" He squinted at me.

"A what?" I asked wondering what that was supposed to mean.

"Oh, sorry! Just an Irish expression... Is it true? I mean I've never heard of it... Well him!" He said.

"Yeah! We've been dating for six months already." I said smiling.

"Wow! Who is he?"

"You'll find out later!" I said giggling.

"Fair enough, I guess!" He smiled.

"Well guys... We have to get back to work on this choreography!" I said once we had enough repose to keep dancing, so we stood up and started with the choreography.


I had to be at Cori's studio already. I just hope I don't miss the chance to watch the choreography. It's very important for her as she will be performing with Jessie J on the stage of the VMA's this year. I really have to be there.

I finally arrived and went in the building. The receptionist asked me where I was going, and I told him I needed to go to Studio 3K.

"Take the elevator, third floor, end of the hallway to your right."

"Thanks a lot!" I smiled, and ran as fast as I could to where the elevators were. I pressed the button, and it opened almost instantly. I did as he said, and I got to the studio. I heard music coming from inside, I tried to open the door but it was locked. "Damn it!" I whispered. I knocked the door hoping someone was near enough to hear the knock; after some knocks someone finally opened it.

"Oh hey Kendall!" Jean said.

"Hey, Jean! Am I too late?" I asked hoping I actually wasn't.

"No, not really!" Jean let me in, and closed the door. "You can sit there!" Jean pointed at a chair that was near the ballet bars, and I went to sit there. Once I sat on the chair Cori glanced at me.

"Kendall!" She stopped dancing and jumped on me, we almost fell. "You're here!" She said smiling, and we kissed.

"I was not going to miss it!" I smiled at her.

"Oh Jeez!" She exclaimed and moved away. "I'm sorry guys!" She awkwardly said to the other dancers. Some of them said that it was okay, but still started teasing us. "Alright, alright! Enough guys... Let's get back to dance!" She stopped them, and they went back to dance. They practiced for another hour.

"Alright! That's a wrap! Now let's have some fun, we still have twenty more minutes. Who wants to dance?" Cori exclaimed, and all of the other dancers cheered in agreement. I just stood there watching her dance. Suddenly she looked at me. "Come, dance!" I read her lips.

"No!" I said.

"Wait, wait, wait!" She said out loud, and they stopped the music. "There's someone in this room that doesn't want to dance... Mish! Would you remind us the rules of this studio?" She said smiling.

"No one; with no exception, would retract of dancing at the free style dance on the last minutes of the day... Or something like that!" They laughed.

"Yeah! Well you heard him Kendall! The point is that everyone dances in this studio... So c'mon!" She approached to me, and grabbed my hands. She pulled me to the center of the room. "Alright! Jean, play it!" I was standing there awkwardly, and suddenly Domino by Jessie J started playing. Cori started dancing and everyone started clapping. "C'mon move those hips! I know you can, your hips don't lie, right?" I laughed.

"Alright, alright!" I didn't know what to move first, but she grabbed me and I just moved along with her hips. Every one started cheering, and I started laughing.

"Hey don't stop! You're doing it great." She whispered in my ear. By the end of the chorus they started dancing too, and showed me some moves. Cori and I never got apart; our bodies moved along together for the rest of the song. It seemed like we were two dancing flames.

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