It Was Just a Crush, Not! (Robbie Kay)

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"Hey, Mandy!" I called my friend from last semester calculus class. I hadn't seen her in months.

Mandy looked back, and looked for me in the crowd. Everyone on the floor was going out of their classes so there was a lot of people, but she managed to locate me.

"Hey!" She waved at me.

I walked towards her and greeted her with a quick hug, "where have you been?"

"Around, you?" She responded quite vaguely.

"Oh, uh, same I think," I shrugged, "we don't have classes together this semester, too bad."

"Well, I changed my major, so," she looked away, "it was too stressful for me, you know it was not really what I wanted to major in," she said looking back at me.

"Mandy!" Chris, our other friend from the same class, called Mandy. He was behind her talking to a group of guys, "oh, Alex! Hey, long time no see!" He greeted me.

"Hi, Chris!" I smiled at him.

"What do you want?" Mandy asked Chris.

"We're leaving now to celebrate Robbie's birthday... Well, Alex, if it doesn't bother you," he raised an eyebrow at me, "you can come."

"Ooh, right! Alex why don't you come?" Mandy asked.

"Uh... Well, I don't really know him," I said suddenly nervous. He was just a crush though.

"Oh, please!" Mandy exclaimed, "Robbie was all you would talk about last semester."

"Yeah, you had a massive crush on him," Chris smirked, "we're friends now, we worked together this Summer, and we have a few classes together, so I can help you out. This is a good way to start!"

"Guys, I'm not crushing on him anymore," I said giggling nervously, maybe I was lying a little bit.

Chris hummed and said, "Well, then it won't bother you to have a drink with us? With him there of course."

I knew what he was doing, but seriously, I don't have a crush on him anymore, "it won't bother me," I rolled my eyes.

"Alright, then c'mon! We're leaving now... Unless you have a class, of course."

"No, I don't have more classes," I smiled.

"Great, let's get going then, we'll meet Robbie on the way."

We all walked out of the building; all of the guys walked in front of Mandy and I, and we made our way towards the library. I think it is the shortest way to town. Before we reached the library, there was Robbie waiting sitting on a bench.

I saw him just sitting there, and suddenly I couldn't think straight. My hands started to get sweaty, and my stomach dropped.

"Hey, you okay?" Mandy asked. She seemed to know what was happening to me.

"Uh, yeah... Just felt a little dizzy."

"Are you sure it isn't about Robbie being there," she teased me.

"No, it isn't," I rolled my eyes at her.

"Okay, whatever," she laughed, "just be cool, let's have fun for all times sake."

I nodded and saw Robbie greeting everyone. When he was greeting Chris, he took a look at me and smiled.

"Alex, hey, how are you?" He asked and walked closer towards me.

Who was I kidding... I couldn't deny it. He wasn't just a crush, I liked him so much and now that I see him again I can realize I still do. He looks way more handsome, and I don't understand how that can be possible.

"Hey, Robbie! I've been good, you?" I asked trying to play it cool.

"Great!" He said smiling, "it's uh good to see you, are you coming with us?"

Everyone was staring at us, I was suddenly aware of that, "yeah, yeah. I am," I smiled.

"Nice," he said smiling even wider.

"Hey, Robbie!" One of the guys called him, "you tell us when we can get going."

I saw Chris and some other guys hitting his arm. Robbie looked back at me and said, "I'll go with them," he giggled.

Robbie walked towards his friends, and Mandy walked next to me. The guys were laughing and Robbie looked back at me for a second.

"Robbie knows," Mandy said so I looked at her right away.

"What?" I asked innocently even when I had figured it out.

"That we're celebrating his birthday, I thought he didn't."

"Oh, really?" I asked.

I got it wrong, my head is already twisting everything.

"Yeah, it's obvious he knows... Well, then there's no pressure, I think," she laughed.


"Yeah, we can say that we're celebrating his birthday, and not just going for drinks or something like that."

We kept walking and making small talk until we arrived at the club. We were eight so we took two tables and put them together, and we all took a seat; Robbie was at the head, one of his friends at his left, next to him was Mandy, then me, and next to me there was Chris at the other head, and the other three guys were in front of me, Mandy, and the other guy.

A waitress came and asked for our drinks, but Chris told her that it was Robbie's birthday and that if she could bring a round of shots. She wrote it down on her notebook and left to bring the shots.

I drank it reluctantly since I wasn't planning on drinking too much. I just had a couple of drinks and ordered some fries with cheese and bacon. Mandy had like five drinks and Chris just one more than I had; we shared the fries and ordered one more. We were all having fun, talking, drinking, and eating; the bar started to fill more and more so people started to dance.

Robbie stood up from his seat and walked towards me, I thought he was heading to the restrooms, but he stopped behind me.

"Care to dance?" He whispered in my ear.

I looked at him and nodded. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the dance floor. Some type of electronic music was playing so I managed to dance to the beat. I don't suck at dancing, but I'm not a pro either.

Robbie wasn't drunk at all, but I think that he built a little courage with the couple of drinks he had; he wouldn't take his eyes off me and he danced closer and closer to me. At some point, he stopped dancing and kissed me. His hands ran through my hair, and he kissed me harder. I liked it, but I was confused... Does he like me? Since when?

I pulled away and he smiled. Robbie took my hand and led me out of the club.

"It is bloody loud in there!" He exclaimed and looked at me, "do you like me, Alex?"

"Uh, yeah, I do... Why?"

"Why?" He laughed, "I like you, and don't think it's the alcohol talking, I'm not drunk... I have liked you for a while. Sorry if kissing you was out of line, but--"

"Hey, no... It wasn't out of line... I liked the spontaneity of it," I laughed, "I've liked you for a while too, Robbie."

Robbie smiled and erased the space between us kissing me again. How could I think and pretend I didn't like him anymore, I like him a lot... I tried to forget, but now I'm not going to repress my feelings anymore.


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