Still Falling (Logan Henderson)

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A/N: This one was requested by brxannalucxa I loved writing this so much, thank you for your request!


My shift at the restaurant finally ended so I headed home right away. Clients like the ones I had today can drain out all of your energy with a petty comment or their entire disrespectful behavior, also add the toothache I have had for almost a week that I keep hiding from everyone else because I hate going to the dentist. The pain comes and goes, it is not constant at all, but on a day like this is just sweet karma thrown indirectly from my brothers who are both dentists. I really was just looking forward to get home and have a bath and maybe play some video games with my brothers. They still play video games with me even when they act all grown-up sometimes, as if they were so much more older. I am just lucky we are all hanging out at the house this summer and we get to spend more time together since their work and my classes at college keep us apart, even more so than when they formed a band with their friends and gained some recognition and toured for a while.

     As I was opening the front door, I heard laughter coming from the inside. I knew my parents weren't home yet, and it sounded like there were definitely more than two people in the house. I know Kendall has a girlfriend so it could be her, and unless James has gotten into a relationship just today I would not guess who else could be there, maybe some friend from dental school. I was going to walk all the way up to my room until I saw who they were.

     "Bri! Oh my God!" Carlos screamed so loud and jumped over the sofa as if he was doing parkour.

     "Hey, Los!" I greeted as he hugged me. He almost didn't let Logan see me, but I did glance at him and he smiled. Logan approached slowly since Carlos hadn't let go of me yet.

     "It's been so long, Bri! Sorry, I had to hug you for all the ones we've missed," he said as he moved back and chuckled.

     "It's okay, I needed that," I said smiling widely, as I took another look at Logan who was now just behind Carlos, "hi," I greeted Logan, and I felt how everything started to feel awkward.

     I can't believe I still feel butterflies in my stomach whenever I look at him. I thought I had gotten over it, I thought it was like my never ending fictional men character crushes since I am into girls and I knew it before I met him. I was thirteen years old when my brothers started their band and I got introduced to Carlos and Logan, and I almost immediately developed a confusing crush on Logan, which I had tried to define as a similar crush to those of fictional characters. But now he is back, bringing all of my feelings with him, just as if he found an envelope with my name on it and came apologizing that the carrier wrongly delivered it to him. He was just there, smiling, about to greet me when my molar ached like hell. I tried to hide it but it got more intense.

     "Are you okay?" He asked.

     So it was that noticeable, great.

     "Bri, is there something wrong?" James asked as he walked closer toward us.

     Yeah, it was that noticeable.

     I couldn't even talk so I held onto my backpack and ran to the bathroom and by the time I threw my backpack on the floor, everyone was outside calling my name and asking if I was okay. I had hidden it so well until now, but it was so painful that I couldn't even move for a couple of minutes. I just held tight onto the edge of the sink and closed my eyes, trying to quiet the noise outside of the bathroom. Once I could move, I washed my hands just to act as if I was actually in there for a reason, but when I walked out I saw concern in all of their faces.

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