This Is Us (Luke Hemmings)

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A/N: This is a request by brideofharrystyles This is such a sweet no-angst at all one so enjoy 😊

"Hey, Ash, Ashton!" I called my brother, who was all curled up on the sofa watching Netflix.


"Can you help me with something?"

"You said you didn't want help!" He said almost laughing.

"Yeah, I know, but—"

"I'm going, I'm going! You stubborn head," he said the last thing so low that I almost didn't hear it, "what did you need?"

I was making dinner for everyone in the household, which really was just my husband, my brother, and me. Oh well, and if you count the upcoming member since I'm pregnant. I needed help since I forgot to cut some ingredients for my slow-cooked tomato sauce for the pasta I was making, I just can't let it sit for too long or cool it down because the consistency would just not be the same.

"What did you say?" I asked him.

"What? Nothing," he tried to evade me.

"Tell me, you clown!"

"No, I won't! I'm here to help, right?"

I squinted at him, "okay... you're safe for now," I said eventually, "can you watch the sauce while I quickly cut these?" I said pointing at the fresh herbs on the cutting table.


I turned the music up as I heard Red Dessert playing from my playlist and continued to cut the herbs in tiny pieces. I couldn't stop myself from dancing to the beat and then I noticed Ashton doing it too. I looked at him giggling and he started choreographing so I followed him. It all ended in both of us laughing, as usual. When I was done with the herbs and carrots, I put them in the sauce and took care of it by myself. Wildflower started playing as Ashton washed his hands, and this time I danced to it alone until I felt the warmest arms surrounding me from the back and dancing along with my hips.

"Lukey Poo!" I exclaimed as he whispered something in my ear, sending shivers down my neck.

"Hello, my Little Chocolate Croissant," he teased.

Ashton made a puking sound while he was drying his hands with the towel, "enough with the PDA!" He exclaimed.

"You're the pervert who stares," Luke said, chuckling.

"Lukey is right, Ash," I laughed.

"I love you guys but really, be a little more considerate."

"Oh so you're just jealous!" Luke mocked him.

Ashton tried to say something but he really didn't have a comeback, so he just ended up laughing and us too, "anyways, I'll go back to my show," he said and went back to lay on the couch.

"It smells delicious," Luke said still not letting go of me.

"Thanks, baby!" He kissed my cheek as he caressed my small two-and-a-half-months belly, "how did it go with our bags for our weekend getaway?" I asked.

"Everything is ready! We could literally leave right now," he kissed my neck.

"If only the check-in were earlier, or later for that matter so we could leave now," I said as I stirred the tomato sauce.

     Luke moved back to try to make me twirl once Best Years started playing, "this is our song, come dance with me!" He exclaimed and looked at me just how he did when we danced at our wedding. Just how he looked at me when he proposed.

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