Starstruck (Robbie Kay)

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"So how did you two meet?" The interviewer asked.

"Well, we were auditioning for a movie. The first one we did it on our own, but in the second one we were paired up for the audition since we were auditioning for the main characters who were of course romantically involved."


It was a lovely morning, and everything looked like it would work out fine. It was the perfect day for the audition of your, hopefully, next movie. You walked in the room as confident as possible since you had already passed the first audition, and that could only mean that the director was really thinking of casting you. The casting crew had even talked to you about that and were more than pleased with your audition.

You took a seat on the reception room couch, waiting to be called for your audition with one of the actors who could be your love interest in the movie. There wasn't anyone there so you asked the assistant sitting at her desk in front of you where you should go, and she told you to wait right where you were, so you sat back on your seat. Not long after, the assistant called your name and told you to walk down the hallway and enter in room 2B. You followed her orders, and when you opened the door there was a waiting room full of people; some were actors, but a few were crew members pairing up people and others calling some of them into the room at the back.

"Name?" Someone of the staff asked you, catching you off guard.

You didn't say anything because of the shock you were still in because of him startling you, but you showed him your ID.

"Nice!" He smiled, "welcome, Miss, you are with, Mr. Kay," he looked away searching for someone, "that's him over there, next to the vending machine, with the Starbucks cup," he said smiling again, as if it was just anyone else that he was pointing at.

By now, the staff guy must have been thinking that you didn't seem quite the actress material. But how to appear so calm and laid back when your starcrush is just across the room?

You smiled shyly and managed to word out a thank you, but you were walking so slowly that anybody could have said you were in slow motion. It took you forever to get to where Robbie Kay was. Between stops and walking around and backwards you were finally standing in front of him.

"Hello?" Robbie asked, looking up at you with his eyebrow lifted and a smile to melt for.

No words. Complete silence.

"Um... Are you (Y/N)?" Robbie asked, almost giggling.

You nodded, but still, no words. You sat down across from him. Your hands were shaking.

"Are you nervous?" He asked, as if he was trying hard to make you talk, "it's okay if you are. I am quite nervous myself."

"Well, I would take a double shot at that," your tongue unexpectedly untied, but making you talk without much sense. You got your own joke as you remembered the shots game you palyed with your friends on New Year's Eve... And you got yourself lost in thought since your mind was going thousands of miles per hour.

Robbie chuckled, and it made you calm yourself a little, "what do you mean?"

"Nothing, never mind... I guess, I really am nervous," you giggled, making him giggle with you.

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