Work it Out (James Maslow)

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"Where are you going?"

"To the gym, why?" He smiled at me. "Wanna come?"

"I don't know... I feel kinda lazy today..." He squinted at me, and crawled on bed until he was right over me.

"Lazy? Lazy? Lazy Mr. Jenkins!" He said still squinting at me. I giggled.

"Mr. Jenkins is a lazy cat indeed! He's like me. Fox is like you!" I said and gave him an Eskimo kiss. He laughed.

"No, Fox is also a lazy dude when he wants to. Just come!" He said.

"Okay!" I said taking off the blanket. James moved out, and I went to change. "Alright let's go!" I said once I was ready. We took our stuff and headed up to the gym. "Okay wait, aren't we going in the car?" I asked him as I saw he started preparing to run.

"No, I was thinking we could go to the outdoors gym that's on Venice Beach! Or you want to go to this other one? The one we go, mostly." He said pointing at the direction of our usual gym.

"No, it's okay!" I smiled. "I told you I felt lazy tho." I giggled.

"But I got to take you out, now you can't feel lazy!" He smiled and kissed my jaw. I also got ready to run. "We'll warm up easier like this!" I nodded.

"We can make it a fun warm up... How about a race?" I smirked.

"Nice!" He smirked too. "See... I told..." I didn't let him finish, I started running. I'm definitely faster than James, but having a little advantage is better. "Maddie! That's not fair!" I heard him say. Funny thing is he stayed there, but eventually he started running. I kept running as fast as I could until I had to cross the street, the green light didn't seem to want to switch anytime soon.

"C'mon!" I mumbled. I saw James approaching, and I smiled at him.

"Oh I just love karma!" He yelled. Suddenly he was right next to me. "Now it will actually be a fair race!" He lifted his eyebrows and smiled.

"I'll still win!" I said and the light switched into red. I ran as I was running for my life, and while I was crossing I heard a car beeping. " You go dude! Show that chick who's boss!" A jerk cheered at James. I looked back, and James stared angrily at the guy. I kept running, and James was reaching me out, but I was getting closer. I won. James slowed down and approached to me smiling.

"I knew you would win!" He wrapped me around in his arms, and kissed me. We broke the kiss because we needed to breathe.

"Nice prize!" We giggled, and he kissed me again. We started working on our routines. I didn't feel lazy, but eventually I did. I went where James was, and pressed my forehead on his upper arm. He giggled.

"What are you doing?"

"I told you it was a lazy day!" I said smiling at him.

"Alright! C'mon!" He moved out of the machine. "I wanted to try something..."

"What?" I asked. He put a yoga carpet on the floor, and lay on it.

"I'm going to do some push-ups!"

"Yeah, so? What do you want me to hold your feet, or pull you up?" I said giggling.

"No, just lie on me!" He chuckled.

"Okay! You're crazy!" I did as he said.

"Good! Now once I go up wrap your arms around my chest and don't let go." He started doing the push-ups, and I hugged his chest. We started laughing, James was trying to hold his laugh, but I couldn't. Actually I was so distracted that I started to feel like I was going to fall.

"James! Stop!" I yelled still laughing, but it was too late. I fell on the sand, and James fell on me. We laughed for a while until James stared at me just chuckling. "What?" I asked smiling.

"I just love you so much!" He said.

"I love you so much more!" I said.

"Are we going to start fighting over who loves the other more like those cliché couples?" He giggled.

"No, 'cause then we have to start looking at the clouds and see each other in one of them, or find a cloud that reminds us of us... And I'm too lazy for that right now!" I giggled. He rested his head on mine, our foreheads were touching, and I could felt his sweat running through my face. He pressed his lips on mine, and we kissed.

A/N: Well here it is... Finally!
I don't really know what happened earlier... I'm sorry if you opened the book over the notification, and found nothing, but I had to unpublished the chapter as it just had half of the fic written... Yeah, so anyways I hope you liked it!


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