Chapter 21

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Captured amidst the microcosm of uncertain existence, no one knows how the formula of fate may guide tragedy into a person's pathway.

When a man fails to plan for the prospect of treachery and betrayal, he opens the door for devastation.

The biggest mistake that a man can make, when entering into an unknown situation is to overlook his family's safety and preservation.

Engaged in a game of spades with a few friends from his neighborhood, Broderick Williams did not pay attention to the chatter coming from the television, until the news reporter mentioned the Kennesaw bank robbery.

He had his back to the television when the report was the first broadcast, but the game was immediately forgotten, once he heard that there were several people slain by the bandits.

Despite having heard the reporter give a detailed description of the man found murdered in the woodland, Broderick brooded in silence.

Intuition whispered words of catastrophe into his heart, with the suggestion of the ultimate betrayal.

There was no one to try and confide his worry and anguish in.

There was no one to help him distill the torment he felt, knowing that the odds of his sister and cousin being amongst the victims slain was over eighty percent.

And trapped behind the walls of DeKalb county jail, he was on the verge of a psychological breakdown.

Beads of sweat began to gather above his brow.

His jaws were clenched.

His body was tense.

The thought that Kenny may have murdered his sister and cousin was driving him crazy.

"...Police are asking the public for help in locating these criminals. There is a twenty-five thousand dollar reward for anyone with information leading to the arrest or location of the men responsible for this robbery."

The subdued voice of a male reporter could be heard projecting from the television.

The reporter gave a series of options on how a person could call in, and collect the reward money, without exposing their identity to the public.

Everyone in the cellblock was watching the news segment, oblivious of the fact that Broderick could have been amongst the victims slain, or on the run for robbery and murder.

Video footage of the bank and woodland began to roll across the screen, giving viewers a bird's eye view of the landscape around the scene of the crime.

Recollections of the dense vegetation and the smell of the woodland began to mushroom in Broderick's mind.

He could almost imagine everything that the cops were seeing, from the trek beyond the highway to the train tracks, where the body was found.

He had walked that route enough times to know the position of every tree, shrub, or clump of vegetation in the area.

To see it through the footage of a news segment had his heart heavy with grief, anger, and an intense urge to pummel someone.

The news reporter gave a brief description of what had taken place once the bandits reached their destination.

The escape route could be seen from the news footage, as the abandoned van sat off from the highway; burning.

An aerial view of the woodland showed several cops combing through the area.

Broderick knew that it was just a matter of time before the cops identified the body.

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