TEARS OF RAGE 2: Clash Of Killers

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The quintessential of evolution means to evolve.

And, the evolution of a man's mental state of mind, is no different than the evolving walk of mankind.

It creates a paradigm for the parables told, that impacts a person's perception, and inspires him to pursue a path that differs from those within his molded fold.

From the evolution of innocent youth to the worldly wisdom of an old soul, the ball of life continues to roll.

But, just as man is incapable of stopping the progression of time, or the march of mankind...

He is also incapable of stopping the evolution of his psychological mind.

And, once the seal to a man's sanity is broken, and that inner beast is born and set free...

Evolution disallows the metamorphosis of a man's mental sanity to march back to that place, where it once used to possess peace and safety.

When murder and mayhem become accepted, as a weapon of war, to win by any means...

There is no way to contain the killer, that was once confined to the chambers of his dreams.

The moral boundaries of civility get erased in the face of fury, and adversity.

Captured within a portrait of chaos, that allows a person to see the approach of tragedy, it's hard to stop its momentum.

How is it possible to prevent that inner beast of savagery, from being released upon a fragile realm of reality, when violence controls its existence?

How is it possible to prevent the development of destiny, and its decree, when people ignore the chaos that they see transpire in the streets?

Everybody always attempts to convince the ignorant, that life is based upon some illusion of peace...

But they blame the insane actions, perpetrated by other people, like random acts of tragedy.

Within a world, in which a man will die to protect his respect, there are always codes of conduct that he must never forget...

Outside eyes never seem to realize why desperadoes sacrifice their lives with no regret.

Have they not seen the things that affect the realm of that environment?

In the cradle of a corrupt society, a man learns to flourish amidst adversity.

He learns that a single mistake can cost the lives of an entire family, if not protected.

He learns that the holy trinity of the streets can become any man's enemy, who fails to value its virtues direct...

Every king must demand his money, his power, and his respect...

And, he must be willing to kill or be killed, to get it.

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