Chapter 46

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In the bustle of life, a person becomes powerless to dictate how fate may orchestrate events into fruition.

One mistake too many can prove to be the cause that drags him to the dungeons of social destruction.

A place filled with human ghouls, murderers, and demons...

A place where every nightmare that a man could imagine, had the chance to blossom into reality.

Within this realm of chaos, there are many doors of entry, but not a single route of escape.

When a person becomes a prisoner of such corruption, betrayal is like a pandemic run rampant.

Most people claim to hate it.

Some people choose to embrace it.

But no one alive can stop it.

That thought was what had Swaylo driven to take advantage of the opportunity, that he had been given.

When he pondered over his predicament, he knew that to win, he would need to establish an alliance with someone who could protect his interest.

Someone who stood to lose just as much, if his safety or his freedom was somehow threatened.

And, Johnathan Weatherby could prove to be the best solution to his problem...

Nestled within the historic district of East Atlanta,

Candler Park was located a few blocks away from Eastlake Meadows.

It was a familiar area, close to his neighborhood, with winding streets, alleyways, and apartment buildings.

Within its cove of eclectic bungalows, and the hodgepodge of businesses there were countless routes that could provide him with ways to escape capture, if Johnathan Weatherby had decided to betray him.

There was too much at stake, to risk being arrested.

As sunset cast its prism of colors across the sky, there were gatherings of pedestrians passing by.

In the background, beyond the window, the lush image of Maple, Elm, and Pine trees gave the city its rich southern distinction.

Its surrounding neighborhood was filled with drug dealers, who plied their trade amidst the district.

Within its sphere of houses, stores, and a cluster of activity, Swaylo felt protected.

Hidden amidst the black market hub of vice and prostitution he was like a chameleon, in a woodland.

As the purple, bronze, and blue hues of sunset paint the horizon Swaylo sat in silence, watching Charmaine devour her meal.

They were seated within the Vertigo Cafe', watching the passage of traffic, as it flowed past the business.

Before he was a plate of shrimp fried rice, strips of pepper steak, and jumbo shrimp.

With his mind preoccupied with how fate would play out his situation, he sipped at a glass of lemonade.

Charmaine was eating from both of their plates as if her appetite could not be abated.

The establishment was packed with people, seated at various tables eating, and conversating.

The succulent aroma of herbs, spices, and cooked meat, intermingled with the smell of cakes, pies, and pastries.

Beyond the large picture front windows of the restaurant, Swaylo could see several of his friends, positioned about the street, acting as early warning lookouts.

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