Chapter 3: River

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Her price was a friend. A friend! What type of shit is this. I feel like I'm being played. That was until she came up to me after practice. The gym was cleared out but I was putting away balls.

" Hi river!" She walked over to me. " hello grace." I said unemotionally. " Since we're friends I was hoping we could go get coffee after you're done of course. I wouldn't want to keep you from anything or anyone."

She talks a lot.

" what?"

She frowned. Tucking a piece of her hair away.

" sorry. I shouldn't have asked. It was stupid. I'm so stupid. I hope you didn't think it was a date I know you have a girlfriend. You said we could be friends and friends go get coffee and maybe the occasional scone?"

She really talks a lot.

" ok, I will go if you stop talking." She smiled widely and stood there, rocking back and forth on her heels."

" your car or mine?" I ask. She tilted her head and furrowed her brows. " what do you mean, I take the MATA bus."

I found myself sitting next to her on this horrible bus. Why did I agree to this?

" Why do you ride the bus, you have a car?"

" I hate driving. One: it's dangerous. Two: riding the bus saves pollution."

I nodded. Still wanting to drive my car. The bus stopped and pretty hard, I almost flew out of my seat.

" This is our stop!" Does she have to say everything so cheerfully? I got off the bus with her and we walked down the street to a small cafe.

I order a black coffee and a banana muffin. I was waiting on her to decide. She was indecisive. Very indecisive.

I noticed the cashier getting restless. He walked off and Grace frowned.

I grabbed the man's collar and dragged him back. " she's not done." I told him. He nodded quickly with wide eyes.

" ok! I want one coffee and one blueberry scone. No! Two of those!" She said biting her lip. " i-is that all?" The cashier looked at me with fear in his eyes. I directed my eyes to her. Ask her not me.

" do you want anything else river?" She asked. I shook my head then she told the cashier the that's all. "$10.15."

She rustled through her bag and by the time she pulled out her money I slapped a $20 bill on the counter. She jumped slightly and smile up at me. " thanks," she grabbed her coffee and scones and found us a seat while I collected my change.

She talked the entire time. I was tuning in and out. She finished both the scone and her coffee.

" I'm I talking too much. Sorry if I annoy you." She slouched. " it's fine."

" can we do this again, you're really nice."

" nice? After all, I've done to you, especially when I broke your glasses."

" We all need second chances, It's how we use it that makes a difference, and I got new glasses and their purple, you like them?" She leaned in so I can see her eyes.

"Can I have your number, so we can be even better friends!"

Oh lord.

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