06: Training

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"Y/n, Mikey told me to-... damn..."

You glanced at who ever is in the door and saw Chifuyu standing there staring with a tint of pink in his cheeks. You quickly covered yourself and he turned around with a little smirk.

"Sorry" he chuckled

You quickly put your clothes on and faced him.

"It's okay..."

He glanced at you and lifted his hand with a bag of bandage, ice and stuffs probably for your ankle.

"Mikey told me you hurt your ankle? " he said

"Yeah.." you said as you sat down the side of the bed. He went to you and kneeled to treat it but Sanzu came.

"I'll take care of her Chifuyu" with that, Chifuyu got up and left

Your brother went and treat your ankle while scolding you.

"Didn't I tell you not to walk too far" He scolded "And why did you end up alone? I thought you're with Hina and Emma?" He continued.

"Takemichi and Draken came so I figured I should give them some time alone.. ya know..like date night or something"

He sigh and sit beside you and examined you carefully. He let out a sigh again and hugged you.

"I can't lose you too y/n. You know that."

"I know brother" you hugged him back

"I think we should leave the gang and continue like how we are before" he spoke making you shocked.

"But Mikey saved me...Don't you think it's disrespectful to leave him after he saved me from dying?" You broke from the hug and looked at him

"It doesn't matter. If he saved you then I'll serve him. But YOU will leave the gang y/n. It's too dangerous."

"I can fight for myself brother"

"How exactly? You nearly died because you couldn't fight back"

You frowned and remembered that time when you feel helpless because you couldn't fight back. If only you're stronger...

"I-I don't have my knife with me..that time.." you spoke with a low voice but he heard it.

"Yes and there might be more times where someone will probably appear out of nowhere when you at least expect it and you might not have a weapon with you so it's too dangerous for you. You have to be able to fight with and without weapon for you to survive"

He looked at you directly in the eyes as you can see the worry swirling through it. "We already have a lot of people hunting us down. Staying in this gang will only increase the threat for you."

"What about you?"

"I can fight y/n."

"I can too"

"Stop being so stubborn. You can fight but your strength is not enough to protect you!" He looked frustrated.

You looked down as you know what he's talking about. You're not strong enough to protect yourself or your brother. Even if you're in a gang now, you still can't do anything without anyone saving you.

"Then I'll train her" Mikey spoke leaning on the frame of the door. Seems like he's been listening to you two for long enough.


"I'll train y/n. So she can be able to save herself or anyone important to her."

You looked at Mikey with hopeful eyes and he chuckled walking to you.

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