The London Date

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That photo is adorable!


Harry woke up with a groan. He felt undeniably terrible. He was even finding it hard to lift up his wand and cast a quiet "Tempus," which told him it was around 5:35 in the morning. Ugggggghhhhh! It's too early! he thought with a frown. Even though it was his and Draco's date in Hogsmeade, he didn't feel like getting up at all or even having to interact with anyone.

Harry groaned again and stared up at the ceiling of his 4-poster. He really hated days like this but knew how to get his mind off it. He put on his glasses and opened the curtains surrounding him which was actually pretty tiring to do, made sure nobody was awake, sluggishly got off his bed and silently made his way down to the boy's bathroom.

It didn't take him long to get to the bathroom, even if he was in this state. And when he entered, he grabbed the tin from inside the cupboard and sluggishly unwarded it and took off the lid. Just like always, he took out the razor and held it to his skin. He sliced open his pale skin on his inner forearm, even if he felt as if he were too tired to do it. He welcomed the feeling of the numb haze as it hit him hard.

The process was repeated four more times. He just loves the stinging sensation from his cold metal friend. He just stood there over the sink and watched, mesmerized, by the red of his cuts and how the blood began to roll down his arms into the sink. He noticed how he felt lighter once his mind was back to reality.

Feeling pleased, he put away his blade and spelled the tin shut. He went back to the dormitory after he had cleaned his arm up and contemplated whether or not he should just read until about 7:00 so he could wake Ron up.

He decided to dress first; he looked through his trunk and decided to wear a yellow jumper with blue jeans. It's what Draco got him for Christmas. Once he put them on, he grabbed a bag of galleons from his trunk and stuffed them in the pocket of his yellow hoodie. Harry saw the small flowerpot on the windowsill of the dormitory window, cast a quiet "Aguamenti" and watered the flower. As he finished, he looked at his sleeping dorm mates, wondering if they all had dates today. He then looked over at his snoring mate's bed, deciding whether or not to wake him up.

He walked over to Ron's bed and drew the curtains open, letting in the rays of sunshine coming in through the windows. Ron still didn't stir or wake up. "Ron, wake up!" He whispered to Ron, shaking the sleeping boy roughly and winced as he felt the sting of the cuts on his arms from the simple gesture.

Ron finally stirred, looked up at Harry with his tired half-lidded eyes and mumbled, "what-time-is-it?

"It's 6 am, Ron," Harry tells his half-asleep mate. He sat in the gap beside Ron and sighed at him, wondering how he can get Ron up. "Don't you want to look good for your first date with Blaise Zabini? You know... the guy you like?"

"Harry, it is too early for this," Ron mumbled sleepily, turning over on his side and stuffing his head into his pillow for some peace and quiet. "Wake me up in thirty minutes, please."

"Alright, but if you complain that you don't look good enough for your date, don't come running to me for help," Harry said him with a frown, getting up off Ron's bed and opening all the other drapes from Ron's bed to let the sun in.

"Whatever," Ron mumbled to his pillow as he was falling back asleep.

Harry sighed and continued to get himself ready. He brushed his hair – well, he tried to tame it. He exited the dormitory and headed to Myrtle's bathroom on the second floor for some peace and quiet as he knew the boy's bathrooms won't be quiet no more in half an hour.

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