A Sweet Surprise!

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Draco woke up from his nap immediately, waking Harry up also. They were in the Ravenclaw bedroom and had snuck in earlier just to get away from everyone but ended up just taking a nap together. Draco felt around his baby bump, breathing deeply, and then felt a little boom in his belly.

"What is it?" Harry asks quietly, sitting up and rubbing at his eyes from under his glasses.

"I felt a kick," Draco says breathlessly, looking beside him up at Harry who then looked curiously at him, then his round tummy. "The baby kicked."

Harry parted his lips at what Draco had told him, then grinned happily. "Oh!" he says softly, placing his hand gently over Draco's round belly and began rubbing in circles. "I - I have no words," he added, then leant up to Draco's face and kissed him deeply, Draco sighing in the sweet connection of lips. Harry leans away, "Shall we go tell our friends this? Or just stay here?"

"Stay here," Draco mumbles, turning on his side and moving closer to Harry for a snuggle, and to fall back asleep. "I need this relaxing day. Been a long day. Month. Term."

Harry chuckles, putting an arm around Draco. "Alright," he whispers. "I love you, Sleepyhead." Draco didn't reply. He was already fast asleep. Harry wasn't waiting for a reply, really. All he enjoyed was lying next to the love of his life.


Harry woke bright and early and packed his trunk up to stay at Malfoy Manor for the Easter Holidays as Narcissa wanted to spend time with him and Draco and get to know her unborn granddaughter. It was all sorted with Sev and Remus too as they don't usually celebrate Easter, besides the occasional chocolate egg or two, which they secretly stashed two in their kitchen cupboard at home for Harry when he gets back from the Malfoy's.

Harry quickly rushed out of the dorm and headed out of the common room, past Hermione reading a large green book on the cosy maroon couch by the warm blazing fire, and a pouting Ron beside her who just wanted her attention.

He meets Draco outside of the Slytherin common room like he would always do, first gives his boyfriend a morning kiss, then slides his hand under Draco's robe to feel the baby bump. He got an odd look from a young Slytherin boy who walked by.

"Hey, babe," Harry whispers as he closes the distance between them yet again, giving his blonde pregnant lover a light kiss on the lips. "Excited for Easter?"

"I guess so," Draco says, though he looks a little uncertain. He just hoped his mother would be chill with everything that had happened. "I mean... I wouldn't have to hide my stomach from everyone for a week, besides if we go out on a date sometime during the week."

Harry smiles at him, bright and happy. "I'm glad I'll wake up in the morning, seeing you and our bub for an entire week," he replies quietly as he sees in the corner of his eyes, another Slytherin walking by with their friend. Hogwarts doesn't need such a topic spread around the school. The mention of Lavender Brown's reappearance after 2 years was enough to bear with everyone talking about it even after a week. "And if you're up for it, we can go out on that date as well."

"That sounds incredible," Draco says softly, smiling back at him, his eyes over-shiny with excitement for that date. "Now let's go to breakfast. I'm hungry, and as you know now, I get Hangry."

Harry laughs and quickly leads his lover up to the warm, food-filled Great Hall from the cold Slytherin Dungeons. They enter the Great Hall minutes later, Harry with his arm around Draco's side, and Draco hiding his baby bump under his long cloak which he hopes won't be stepped on by students as sometimes he cannot be bothered hiding his baby bump from the world as he loves being able to feel and see it during the day. When he has classes and mostly before eating, he casts the spell to help conceal the baby bump.

Broken, But in Love.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang