A Vampire's Truth

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Draco was sitting in bed one morning reading a book on difficult Potion Ingredients while rubbing his small baby bump gently which was on display in the cool air of the dorm room. He wondered when the baby would be big enough to hear him so he could read to her. He wouldn't think his daughter would want to hear about Potions and their ingredients' uses yet though. He did wonder what his daughter would be interested in when she's older.

After checking the time, he puts his book down on the bedside table and gets off his bed. He grunts a little when he feels his feet feeling a little sore, but he ignores it and grabs his towel, some comfy clothes and his Slytherin robe and heads to the bathroom for a shower. Madam Pomfrey had told him that his feet would become sore over time as he carried the baby, as well as other side effects of being pregnant.

When he got back to the dorm room feeling refreshed, he saw Blaise sitting up in bed, fully dressed ready for the day, and meditating. It was great seeing his best friend meditating again. It meant his overall Mental Health had gotten better. "Morning, Blaise."

"Good morning," Blaise says peacefully, opening an eye to look at his best friend. He smiles, "Well, how are the two of you doing this morning?"

"You ask me that every day since that day," Draco drawls as he carefully leans down to grab his shoes from under his bed. He could have done it by magic, but he just doesn't want to seem lazy. "And every morning, I reply with the same 'we're doing great!'" He sits down on his bed and puts on his shoes. "Want to help me with the charm?"

"Sure," Blaise says as he grabs his wand from his bedside table and walks over. "So, how's life without sex with Harry?"

"We still have sex, but it's mostly Harry over me," Draco tells him, his face flushed at the question that he had to answer as he pulls his top up halfway. "I don't want to hurt the baby by being top. As I have a womb, sex won't hurt it as my womb protects the baby. It's what Dr Ivan told me."

"Alright," Blaise says, nodding his head and he waves his wand up and down Draco's stomach area where the tiny bump stood out. Draco could tell there were questions on Blaise's mind that needed answers. "So... do you have any idea of what you'll be naming your daughter in the near future?"

"No, not really," Draco replies as he watches his baby bump disappear from sight underneath his clothes. "That'll be when I give birth to her, and Harry and I see our daughter for the first time." He puts his hand over where the baby bump is and feels it, though he cannot see it. "Then we'll choose a name for her."

Blaise smiles at him and pockets his wand. "Now, are you alright to get to the Great Hall on your own?" he asks and looks as if he's hurrying to go somewhere when he walks back towards the door. "I'm meeting Neville at the Greenhouses to help with a project of his."

"I'll be fine," Draco assures him and gives him a flick of his hand to gesture he could go. "It's just a staircase, and then the rest of the way is flat ground. "I can send Harry my Patronus if I do need help."

"If you're so sure," Blaise says and looks a little uncertain. But he quickly nods and heads out the door as Draco shoos him out with a simple hand gesture. "Bye then!"

Draco sighs and slowly leans his back down on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. Another day... He could fall asleep like this, and he feels sleep trying to pull at him... but he makes himself sit up and gets off his bed. Naps are fun, and the need to nap has increased more now that he's 4 months pregnant. It gets a little annoying, especially in class when he needs to concentrate. He pushes through the urge and gets off the bed.

He grabs his book bag and heads out of the dorm room alone. The Hallway back to the common room is shadowed by the flickering wall candles and empty, besides the occasional one or two male students who come to and from their dorm rooms. He sees Pansy in the common room with Sammy and gives her a quick smile, which she returns and waves him over.

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