Getting to know a ghost

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Harry woke on the 1st of September, and with a groan, he rolled over onto his side and slowly opened his eyes. He looked up at the sunroof which showed him a gloomy rainy morning, and he thought, Same. He just stares up at the roof, thinking deeply about his life and what it used to be like living in literal hell with the Dursleys, being abused, starved, tormented, and bullied by Dudley. But now he has a happy family, an incredible boyfriend, and the best of friends, so he can't be feeling depressed again. Though he knows it's normal to feel depressed every now and then, especially for him, it depends on what triggers him.

The bedroom door opened, and Remus walked in. He had a smile on his face, and Harry just looked to his side at him and forced a smile. "Good morning, pup," he says lightly, and he sits down on Harry's bed. He notices how down the boy looks and sighs. "What's wrong?"

Harry covers his face with his red blankets to hide himself from Remus and the world. He just wants to stay in bed all day in the dark and not do anything. It sounds nice anyway. "Depressed," he answers, voice muffled by his blankets. "Been thinking too deeply about life and things."

Remus nods. He understands deep thinking and its effects. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asks gently, but Harry shakes his head from under the blankets; he doesn't want to talk to Remus about his intrusive thoughts. "Let's at least get some food in you." He reached into his pocket and fished out a bar of chocolate, and Harry, being a little curious about why Remus hadn't left his bed and his bedroom listened in. "Chocolate is what I call food therapy."

At the sound of chocolate, Harry removed the blankets from his head and peeked over them at the chocolate Remus was holding. Chocolate? He knows it usually doesn't work for him, but he will try it again to see if it'll help him somehow. "I guess," he deadpans.

"Accio chocolate!" it was Severus standing by the door, wand pointed at the chocolate bar in Remus' hand. The chocolate bar flew into his hand, and once he had it, he crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes at Remus. "No chocolate before breakfast. Fittingly similar, there's no dessert before dinner."

Harry sighs and gets back under his warm blankets, and Remus frowns at Severus as he wants his chocolate back. It made Severus realize that something was wrong. Harry always loved getting ready to head back to Hogwarts. It was his seventh year after all. It should be exciting! "I'll bring you breakfast," he says at last, "but you must get yourself ready. Draco will be waiting for you at Platform 9 ¾ by eleven. We can discuss how you're feeling during breakfast."

Harry brings his head out from under his blankets and nodded tiredly at him.

After a tiresome breakfast of talking, which he didn't want to do at all, he heads back to his bedroom to get himself ready. The enchanted sunroof is still showing a rainy morning, and Harry couldn't help but stare blankly at it.

He packed his trunk yesterday so he was free all morning, and so he collapsed down onto his bed and sighed. Why must I feel like this? He was thinking to himself. Why, out of all days, must it be today that I feel like shit?

He rolls over and just stares at the wall, wishing to see Draco, but then again, he doesn't want to, and now he just feels guilty for thinking these things and feeling worthless and so many things at once. Why can't these emotions and thoughts just stop?

The talk during breakfast didn't really help at all. It was just the usual, how he's loved so much, and how there's so much to life that he hasn't seen or experienced yet. All that ya-da ya-da. He knows all of it already. He just wants to be alone to wallow in his tears, and self-pity, hug his pillow and think it's Draco.

"What should we do?" Remus stood outside Harry's bedroom with Severus, and he looked at the blob on Harry's bed that was Harry with worry. He wished he knew how to help his pup.

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