Harry's Holidays - Part 2

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Hermione's parents decided to let her stay with the Weasleys for the remainder of the holidays just so Ron and Harry don't get bored on their own. Knowing Ron, boredom is the least likely to happen.

Harry was sitting in the lounge room with Ron, playing a game of Wizards Chess when there was a familiar whooshing noise. Harry stared at the young girl who had just stepped out of the Floo. There, standing behind Ron, was Hermione Granger. Ron looked behind and smiled.

"Hey, Hermione," Harry said and had been engulfed in a big hug from Hermione. He hugged her back gently but didn't feel as if he deserved them. Hugs were for people who needed and deserved them, right? Harry did not believe he needed or deserved them.

"It's so good to see you, Harry," Hermione grinned and tightened her arms around him as if she could feel Harry's negative emotions. "You don't know how lonely it gets with just my parents." She then she looked up and ran into Ron's arms. "You two, Ron. I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too, Hermione," Ron said while not knowing what else to say so he awkwardly patted her on the back. He's still not used to girl hugs except with his mom and Ginny which are rare occurrences.

"Where are your things?" Harry asked, searching around her for a familiar-looking trunk but there was no trunk to be seen. He would have brought it upstairs for her, even if he slaves for mostly everyone now. Shame he lives in a cruel world... What's there to live for? He's only here to be Ron's wizard chess mate, to be Hermione's study buddy, and the Weasley's waste of space and food. They give him food but all he does is vomit it up.

Hermione gave Harry a dumbfounded look, stunned that her best friend would even forget that her trunk would already be up in Ginny's room. "Honestly, Harry. It's already upstairs."

Harry looked back at her and nodded, feeling stupid that he'd forgotten that Hermione probably charmed it to float upstairs as she walked into the wards. But why didn't he see it earlier?

Hermione saw the unfamiliar look in Harry's eyes and looked at him worriedly but shrugged it off as normal teenage boy behaviour. "Anyways, what shall we do?" Ron opened his mouth to say something, but Hermione quickly cut him off," And no, we're not playing Wizards Chess or Exploding Snap!"

Ron rolled his eyes at Hermione, not liking the day already. "Fine..." he mutters.

Harry shrugged and looked out the lounge room window into the warm morning dew. It really was beautiful outside, but he prefers the 'ber' months. September, October, and November. Autumn hues of reds, orange and yellows followed by nice white snow. Whitish blonde... He shook his head, sending the sudden thought of Malfoy away. "Maybe we could go for a walk?"

"Sure, but it sure is warm outside this morning," Hermione assured them with a little wave of her hand to fan her face. "Sure enough, I hope it's cooler out here than down south."

"As long as it's not hot enough to melt us like ice cream, then we'd be okay," Harry told them, looking out the window at the grassy field where little dandelions that look like little suns grew. "Besides, we can ask Mrs Weasley to cast cooling charms on us if we need to."

The Golden Trio all agreed on going for a walk, even if it was 25°C outside. It really was a beautiful day; the birds were singing out to one another and the scarecrows were doing their job at scaring the crows away from the corn. They decided to go walking in the countryside, passing many fruit trees, and stealing a couple of apples to chew on. Hermione wasn't fond of stealing and snapped at the boys for doing so but Ron only shrugged, and Harry stared at the ground numbly for being told off.

They walked past the green and red apple trees and Harry couldn't help but to stop and pick a green apple. He had no idea why he did so, it just felt like he needed to do it. Harry just stared at the green apple, trying to figure out why he chose this one instead of a nice red juicy apple. Then the thought hit him, Draco Malfoy.

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