A Little Blue Wren

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Harry woke the next day with a sigh and looked up with heavy-lidded eyes at the enchanted sunroof which showed him a nice sun shower. He rubbed at his eyes for a moment and reached over to his bedside table to grab his glasses and slide them on. He sits up sluggishly and looks around his sunny bedroom until his eyes lay on the window opposite his bed showing a sunny morning. He slides off his bed and wanders over to the other side of the bedroom to look out the window into the streets below where he sees children walking around, couples holding hands – he immediately thinks about Draco – and an owner walking their excited dog around.

He decides to get dressed and head down to the kitchen to get some food. He realises he's alone in the kitchen which doesn't bother him, he just goes to the pantry for some cereal and decides on cornflakes. He is surprised Severus actually shops for food the muggle way as he can see actual muggle cereal, jars of jam, peanut butter, and milk in cartons. He has a fridge, stove, and oven too!

He finishes his cornflakes, puts his bowl in the sink, and decides to just walk around the house for a bit. He starts with Severus' study, and he looks at all the old European retro books on the bookshelf behind Severus' desk. He doesn't want to snoop inside the drawers to his father's desk in case there are answers to future Potion's tests in there.

He wonders where exactly Severus and Remus are, as he heads to the lounge room and sits down in Severus' armchair. He wished Severus had a television so he could watch something for the time being. To his boredom, he has nothing to do, and he only hears the birds flying around outside and the dogs barking happily.

Just as he began to feel comfy, he hears a door open and two voices, and he was already on his feet. He rushes to where the voices are and finds Severus and Remus with bags of groceries in their hands. He smiles at them but crosses his arms. "Why didn't I get an invite to go shopping with you two?" he asks at once. "Or at least some notice about where you two were going."

"Sorry, Harry," said Severus, smiling as he handed Harry a bag of groceries, and places his free hand on Harry's back to guide him towards the kitchen. "But we did leave a note on the fridge for you." When in the kitchen, he pointed to the white sheet of paper on the top door of the fridge which read in large black letters 'We went shopping. See you once you wake up.' "Didn't you see it?"

"And we didn't want to wake you," Remus added softly, placing the groceries he had on the bench. "You literally slept for twelve hours."

"Jesus," Harry muttered, looking at the note written by Severus. "I never knew that's how long I slept for, and I never saw this note. I was half awake, half sleep."

"Did you stay up all night or something?" Severus asks Harry, opens the fridge and cupboards with a sway of his wand and starts putting the groceries away with Remus.

Harry shook his head and helped them with the task of putting the groceries away. All he did was read for an hour before going to bed. His mind then wandered on its own, and he thought about Draco and some ideas on what he can do with him during some times of the holiday. "So, what are we doing today?"

"How about a family outing?" Remus suggests, and he was about to open a packet of chocolate cookies, but Severus snatched them away from him with a smirk and stored them in the pantry. He frowns a little because he loves his chocolate and wants it back.

"That sounds exciting!" Harry says lightly with a grin, "When can we go?"

"In an hour, once we gather a few things, then we can head off," Severus says, smiling at his son's excitement, and he grabs the cookies from out of the pantry just to give them back to Remus. He didn't want to take away his lover's chocolate. It's just simply rude. "Go put a jacket on. It's quite chilly out there."

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