Sir Eian-Samuel O'Connor Belle

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"Harry, can we talk to you for a minute?" Severus and Remus had walked into the lounge room from the kitchen, Remus holding a black mug of what looked like tea from the teabag clip that stuck to the mug. Harry thought Severus ought to change the colours of the house a little to more bright colours like a grey-blue, or grey-green, grey-orange. Just anything happier, but he also knows Severus and the man's aesthetic is dark, Gothic literature. 

Harry was lying on the black couch in his father's lounge room, legs resting over the armrest, arms crossed over and staring up at the grey ceiling. He's been sleeping at Malfoy Manor since the birth of his first-born daughter, but he does come around to his father's house for a visit every now and then. He looked over at Remus and Severus and nodded. "Sure!" He was curious as to why they both looked excited but a little uncertain. And a little proud? "What's going on?" He began to feel a little worried now.

Severus and Remus summoned the two armchairs and put them in front of Harry. They sat down but Severus shifted uncomfortably on his chair. "Harry... we've connected the dots with a few things."

"At Bill and Fleur's wedding, you looked a little nervous whenever I mentioned spending your entire life with Draco," added Remus, smiling a little into his tea. "It's the same when you asked me about when your parents got married. I've heard Hermione mention a thing or two about you proposing to Draco throughout the year."

Harry nodded slowly at what Remus said. He doesn't know why they're suddenly talking about this. He'd rather not talk about it.

"Harry, it didn't take us long to figure out what you want to ask of Draco," said Severus with a small nervous smile, and he steeples his fingers together. "We honestly don't mind if you want to...marry Draco, but do you exactly know what else comes with marriage?"

Harry flushed and his mouth parted a little. Oh, so this is what they were talking about. He recalls feeling a little awkward when talking about marriage with Remus back at Bill and Fleur's wedding. "Um... I mean, yes, I've thought about it," he said, biting his lip. "And I have um...asked him a few times but that was because the topic was mentioned during those moments and I asked him if he wanted know, marry me?"

"I see," Severus said with a chuckle.

"I've never actually told anybody this, but I had a dream of Draco proposing to me," said Harry, and he sat up, crossing his legs as he stared down at the floor with a smile. "It was a while ago though." The only person who knows of the dream is Professor Trelawny as he had asked her about it and what the dream means.

"Oh, do tell us," Said Remus at once, now smirking because he knows James dreamt of the same thing when they were eighteen. He and Sirius had awoken to James making kissy noises and saying Lilly's name and Sirius decided to be an idiot and speak back to James in a girly voice, mimicking Lilly. When James woke he told them of the dream he had. 

"It was at Malfoy Manor, they have a rose bush maze and Draco and I were in the middle of it," said Harry, his voice starting to get a little slow when remembering the dream and how sweet it was. "Draco was singing a song about how much he loves me and wants to tie the knot with me, and at the end of it, he got down on one knee and proposed to me. Before I could reply, I woke up." Remus was chuckling to himself, a hand over his face and Severus was trying to keep a straight face when hearing all about this sappy dream Harry had. When Remus looked up at him, Severus gave him the 'you bloody asked for it' look. 

As Severus wasn't looking, Remus stuck his tongue out at him and Harry snorted. Severus looked back at Remus carefully, who was quick to put an angelic smile on his face as if he didn't do anything to make Harry laugh. The sneaky bastard! "Harry, do you know what happens when you marry someone?" he decided to ask Harry now as he was sure Harry knew about everything related to marriage, or was he wrong about that?

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