Draco's WHAT?

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Harry was sitting in a compartment with Draco, Ron, and Hermione on the Hogwarts Express with the compartment door open in case anyone else wanted to join them. But then suddenly, they heard a pissed female voice snap, "Being a Muggleborn isn't a fucking burden, Rogers!"

"Yeah, and obviously you're just an idiotic blood whore," said another female voice. "You do know that you are the result of incest, right?" Ron snorted; Harry looked over at Hermione to see how she was taking hearing all this, but she was glaring at Ron.

"Oh, shut the bloody hell up you Mudblood!" hissed another female.

Something large was shoved against the outside compartment wall the four older teenagers were in, and Hermione stood up immediately, hands clenched and eyes filling up with quick tears; she was ready to fight.


Hermione instantly stormed out of the compartment, and after her Harry quickly joined her, and then Ron. They found three young girls, probably in their fourth or fifth year. But they recognise two Gryffindor girls: Christina and Rebecca. But the dark-haired Slytherin girl they didn't know who it was.

Christina quickly lowered her wand from Clary's throat and stepped back when the two Gryffindor Prefects and Harry Potter stepped out of the nearest compartment. She immediately felt as though she was in trouble.

Hermione crossed her arms and looked immediately at the Slytherin Girl, her features angry and the tears that once were in her brown eyes were long gone. "Who are you to call a Muggleborn such a foul name?! 5 Points from Slytherin!"

"I'm not scared of you," sneered the Slytherin girl named Clary Rogers and she stepped closer to Hermione to show her bravery. "You're just like these two dweebs." She points to Christina and Rebecca. "Mudbloods."

"Is that so?" Hermione asks the younger girl with a hard smile, though she did take that offensively. She kept her hands she really wanted to hit Clary with to herself. "Well, I'm sure you wouldn't mind if I take away 15 points from Slytherin house?"

Draco peeked his head out of the compartment at the mention of points being taken from his own house, though he heard the conversation before with the offensive name-calling. "You should be careful, dear Clary," he drawls with an unimpressed look at her. "You wouldn't want the entire Slytherin house to give you shit through the rest of the year now, would you?"

Clary seemed to consider that for a second, before shaking her head with a glare at Hermione who didn't seem to mind the rude expression.

"Good," Draco snapped. "Now leave the two girls alone or I'll make sure your year will be worse than Hell! Oh, and Professor Snape will certainly be hearing about this." Clary grunted and stormed off down the carriage of the train, and Draco rolled his eyes at the teenage attitude and disappeared back in the compartment.

"Are you two alright?" Harry asked the two younger girls, who both hesitated for a minute before they nodded their heads. He hates bullying; he doesn't ever want these young girls, anyone really, going through what he went through back in primary school. "You know you can go directly to a professor and get that girl in trouble? Or you can come to us so we can deal with her."

"We're all fine," Rebecca assures him with a quick smile. "Clary's just an annoying insufferable little bitch."

"Language, please," Hermione says at once, shaking her head at Rebecca firmly.

"Sorry," Rebecca mutters with a quick look down to the floor as if her actions will be excused. "Thank you, though, for scaring her away. She's hard to get rid of."

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