Chapter 5

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(Still Rosys POV)

I could barely get his name out.
"L..Lucas.." I stuttered his name out.
It seemed like I was staring into his emerald eyes forever before I snapped back into reality.
I quickly pick up my book as he does the same.
"I am so sorry, I was thinking and wasn't watching where I was going!" I spit the words out. He shrugs " Just be careful next time, you're so clumsy."
"Hey! I'm not THAT clumsy, maybe slightly but not that much"
He laughs and smiles at me, wow, it's been so long since I've seen that smile.. "Whatever you say, oh about tomorrow, you don't mind if I bring someone else with us to hang right?"
Huh? Who else would he invite? "Umm, no problem, I don't care if anyone else comes."
"Awesome, you guys will get along greet, I know it"
Before I can respond a girl with long red hair comes running behind him.
"Lucas! There you are, come on we're gonna be late for class!" She starts to pull him away, as he's getting dragged away, he turns his head and yells towards me.
" I'll text you later!" And he's gone..
Lucas.. He's changed a lot.. So have I, I guess that's just what time does to you.
I haven't talked to him since.. So long ago.. Just what happened to me?
I snap out of my trance and go to class. God, I got to stop getting lost in space.
During class Donny started passing notes with me, it felt so good to have my friend back, but the whole time I could feel Marcus eyes staring at me. Sure enough after classes on our way to lunch he pulls me aside from the crowd and starts yelling at me.
" What is wrong with you Rose, are you trying to piss me off?"
" I'm not doing anything wrong Marcus, he's my FRIEND, got it, I don't care if you hate him, I like him, so either deal with it or just ignore me while I'm with him..."
"Rosy.. Look I'm sorry okay, it's just, I don't like other guys being round you, you know?" He pulls me into a hug and this time I don't resist. He sighs before talking again.
" I promise I'll try to be nicer to the dork- I mean kid."
I smile, " Thanks Matt, you're the best!" I give him another big hug and he kisses my forehead.
" Alright, so, let's head to lunch shall we ?" Marcus asked me and his grabbed my hand.
" Of course, I dunno about you but I'm hungry!"
We walk off into the lunchroom and he sits with his friends and I sit with Donny.

( After school -home- )
I run up to my room and throw myself into the bed and look at the ceiling.
What a day..
I sure hope tomorrow goes a lot better than today..
I smile at the thought of tomorrow, oh I hope everything goes good. I really really do.
As I'm thinking my phone buzzes, it was Marcus.
I pick up my phone and look at the text, what I see makes me sit up quickly and my eyes widen.
No way.. There's no way..

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