Chapter 10

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Monday Morning ( School )

It had been 2 days since I was released from the hospital. Numerous people had come to my house wanting to see me but my Mom wouldn't allow anyone to see me, she would only allow Lucas to come. It was strange to be honest, what were they be trying to keep me away from? I tried to ask Luke but he'd just quickly change the subject.. It was quite strange.

Here we were standing in front of the school building. Luke standing right beside me and gripping my hand tightly. He had told me to stay close to him and not talk to anyone or answer anyone's questions about what happened. It was starting to annoy me how they weren't letting me live my life. How was I ever going to remember anything if my mother and him wouldn't even let me out of their sight. My mother was even trying to convince me to just take home-schooling on the computer.

I look over at Luke one last time.
"Hey, I can do this myself you know." I give him a warm smile and he returns it following with a sigh. " I know you can but.. are you sure you don't want me to walk in with you? "
There he goes again, I sigh and give him a reassuring smile. " I promise if anything happens I'll call for you. Now I got to go before the bell rings! I'll see you at lunch." I quickly run inside before he say anything.

As soon as I step in it seems as time has stopped. Everyone goes silent and just looks at me. What was their problem? Was I wearing something weird? I look down at my gray hoodie and my pink jeans making sure nothing was on them ( outfit in the top ) once I saw there was nothing I just keep walking. Ignoring the looks they all gave me. I finally made it to my locker only to realize. I don't know my combination. Crap.
" Need a little help there? " I turn around and am quickly meet by a pair of hazel brown eyes. It was a guy, he was pretty tall just a bit taller than me, he has golden brown hair and bangs that covered a small part of his eyes.
" Huh? Of yes please, I can't open my locker.. I umm.. Forgot the combination." I laugh softly and rub the back of my head and I hear his soft laughter.
" Really Rose? " he shakes his head in amusement. " Of course you'd forget you combination. Don't worry I'll open it for you." He quickly puts in some number and my locker opens. Wow, how'd he know my combination? I was thinking he would take me to the teacher or something.

" Oh thank you, thank you! " I give him a quick hug and then soon realize. He called me rose, does that mean he knows me? " What, how'd you know my name..? "

He looked at me with clear confusion written across his face. " What? Because we were like.. Best friends rose, listen, about what happened. I'm really sorry.. I never knew they were going to do that to you and.." He stopped talking when he saw how utterly confused and lost I was. " Wait.. You really don't know who I am..? Or remember the party?" He raised and eyebrow as I shook my head.

" I'm sorry, really I am, but I just don't remember you.. See I lost my memory and-" before I couldn't finish my sentence Luke came running up and pulled me behind him. He seemed really mad.
" I thought I told you to stay away from her Donny.. " he growled out to the boy whose name I had just managed to figure out. Donny.. That name.. It sounded so familiar..
" You can't keep her away from everyone Luke, you don't even have a right to be with her! It was your fault to, not only mine! Stop blaming everyone else and realize you are part to blame as well. " What was he talking about? To blame for what? That continued to bicker back and forth and Donny says something that seems to upset Luke a lot, I didn't quite hear what they were fighting about, I was to lost in my own thought to listen to him.

He quickly grabbed my hand and started to pull me away.

" You can't hide her from the truth forever! " I hear Donny shout as Luke pulls me away.

I slap Luke's hand away and I glare at him as he looks at me surprised "That's it. I want answer and I want them now luke. What was that guy talking about and how does he know me? And why won't you let anyone talk to me!? "

He's silent for what seemed like entirety until he finally let out a sigh.
" I know you deserve the truth Rose but now just isn't the time. But if you really want to know, I can just tell
You about that guy and that's it. The rest we will discuss later. "

I was upset he wasn't going to tell me everything but something was better than nothing so I quickly agreed and waiting eagerly for him to continue.

He cleared his throat before speaking.
" Well, here goes nothing.."

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