Chapter 12

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"There you are! I'm been looking all over for you. Rosalinda.."

I turn around and meet a pair of clear blue eyes.. And at one, my whole body is filled with sudden fear.


I stared a pair of crystal clear blue eyes and at once I was filled with such fear.
But as I looked into those eyes I found myself lost and mesmerized by them.
He saw I was at lose for words and smiled at me before sitting right next to me and bringing his hand to my cheek.

I wanted to scream at the same time I wanted to embrace him.
I wanted to run at the same time I wanted to stay.
Every inch of my body was telling me to run. To stay away.
But I couldn't move. I was so lost, so enchanted by this..this guy that. I felt I was losing myself in him.

I found comfort in his eyes at the same time I found fear.
I found love at the same time hatred.
A thousand feelings were swarming inside of me, feelings I didn't understand.
I felt so at home with this stranger. I felt some at ease, but I also felt tense. Afraid so to say.

Then I was hit all at once.
A thousand pictures flashed through my head. A thousand memory's I had shred with this guy.
His smile.
His eyes.
His gaze.
I pictured it all with such a mesmerized gaze.
The lake.
The rose
The rides.
The pool.
The notes.
The texts.
So many things placed through my head all at once.

"Marcus.." He's crystal eyes piercing into mine were the lasts things I remember before falling..
Falling into complete and utter darkness.

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