Chatper 17

15 3 1

I am going to be okay. For sure.

Or I hoped so..

Mood: It is what it is - Lifehouse


Wednesday morning I decided to skip school. Nicola was going in today to get her class schedule and she'd meet up with me later.
She'd help me convince my mom to let me stay home another day from school. Just to calm down because honestly I needed time to think.

We live close to a fair ground and theres a pretty bridge there that takes you to the fair and to the fairgrounds. But all the way behind. It was kinda secluded I guess you could say. It's beautiful. It was my favorite place to go to as a kid. I could think there and really be myself.

As I make my way there the last two people I'd expect to see were there.
Marcus and Donny.

I started to make my way to them but their backs were turned to me. So I guess they didn't know I was there.

"Just promise me Don. Please keep her safe when I can't anymore.." Marcus spoke.. He voice almost cracked. He sounded like he'd been crying.

"...I promise I'll protect her when it happens Matt. Swear it on my life." Marcus whispers a quick thank you to him and I wait a few minutes before clearing me throat so they would realize I had been here.

They both quickly turn and see me. A smile spreads on their faces and so does on mine as I run up and hug them both but for some reason Marcus decided to keep me in his embrace. I wasn't complaining. I felt safe in his arms. At peace. My
Mind couldn't help but wonder off and think about what Luke said and then what Marcus had just told Donny..

Donny cleared his throat snapping me back to reality and pull away from Marcus and sit in between them.

"What are you guys doing skipping school..?" I ask them both with a confused look. And they both look at each other before busting out laughing.

"You should know the answer to that by now rose. Cause we felt like skipping." Don says with a smug look on his face while Marcus just snickers wrapping his arms around me.

I could hear my heart beating. I wanted to ask him about what luke said but I was afraid. What if he had really moved on..? On to her.. I had to find out sooner or later and I prefer sooner.

"Umm Marcus.. I have a question.." I looked at him with hopeful eyes. "Ask away."

"Are you and Lizzie a.. Couple..?" I could feel him tense and Donny sighs. I look at him confused.

Donny looked up at Marcus and so do I. "She deserves the truth Marcus. Don't lead her on." Lead me on? Oh god no.. He doesn't mean they're really a..

"Yes Rose.. We're a couple.." I felt my heart shatter once again. "How long.." I managed to squeak out. I know he'd been cheating on me. But I just didn't want to believe it. I was finally happy with him again but I remember the party and I have to know. Just how long had he been playing me..?

"6 months.." He breaths out. I felt torn. While I was on his arms laughing with our friends. I felt happy I felt complete he was secretly with her.. I couldn't believe it. "But I'm going to break up with Rose. What happened made me realize how much of a fool I was. I need you not her. I just want us back to way it was before."

I was touched at the same time I was a bit torn but I was glad to know he had chosen me over her. But sadly I had to break it to him. "Marcus..nothing will ever be the way it was before. Nothing will ever be the same." It was he truth. No matter how much I'd like to go back, I can't. I can't go back and live my old life. But I can make my present one better and fight for what's mine.

It was silent for a while before Donny spoke up. "Who wants to go for a quick swim?" He smirks and I knew exactly what he meant.. And Marcus did too from the look in his eye.

"Oh fudge it. Let's go!" I scream and run off into the forest Marcus and Donny hot on my trail, following the trail we had created of course. And finally reached it. Our spot. Or what we call it. The fall.

Question: are he pictures I'm putting in the media showing? I don't think they are

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