Chapter 18

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"Oh fudge it. Let's go!" I scream and run off into the forest Marcus and Donny hot on my trail, following the trail we had created of course. And finally reached it. Our spot. Or what we call it. The fall.

Mood: Things I'll never say - Avril Lavigne

Note: okay, we're going to pretend that Avril Lavigne doesn't exist in this book. Okay? And none of her sons exist. I am not claiming her song I'm just using it in the book.


I had to admit yesterday had been a blast. What had been from a gloomy morning turned into an exciting afternoon. I spend all day with Marcus and Donny and soon Nicola came and joined us in the fun. We had swam and swam until we felt our arms and legs would give out.

Now I'm sitting here in the middle of my Music class, which just so happens to be my favorite class ever. I loved my music teacher, she spoke words of wisdom at the same time she made music so much fun.

The sound of her yelling brought me back to reality, though I adored Mrs.Dash, she had a loud voice, " JOSH YOU SPIT THAT GUM IN THE TRASH OR I WILL SPIT MINE IN YOUR HAIR!" Did I mention she's also insane?

"Anyway, class, as I was saying..Oh yes. The purpose of life.. It is a pondering question. Some have not even the faintest hint. If there was no purpose for life in the first place, then why even are we here? We are here to laugh with each other. Here to cry, here to DIE with each other. Sometimes you just have to accept that life is a curveball, something could go all wrong with a simple action. Then the world, YOUR world, could be plunged into darkness. So for this project, I want you to partner up with groups of 1 to 3 people. You can work in a group or go solo. I want you to put your heart and soul into this. Make a song. Do a dance choreography. Something you love. Make a rap. Anything. This is the final project of the year and I want you to put your all into it, good luck and.. JOSH I TOLD YOU TO SPIT THE GUM OUT!" She went back to her bickering way.

1 week later { Monday} ( cause why not? )

I couldn't help but ponder at what Mrs.Dash had said that day. She was right. As usual. Life is a fudging curveball and I've been hit straight on and now it's up to me to heal the wound before my world is plunged into darkness..

I was so involved in my train of thought I didn't even notice Nicola sit next to me. Dang. I need to work on not spacing out..

"Thinking again?" I nod at her, it didn't surprise me at all. She could read me like an open book. "You sure you want to present today? We don't have to."
I shake my head at her smiling. I wanted to get it done and over with. And I was actually proud of the song we had wrote. I had actually wrote the start of the song about 3 years ago as kind of a love letter to someone but I never sent it. I had showed it to Nicola last week after class and we worked on it from there, now it was finally complete and we were presenting it today.

"Girl, are you ready?" Mrs.Dash had walked over to us and asked. A lot of us were presenting today but we had offered to first.

I gripped Nicolas hand and nodded before looking at Mrs.Dash. "We're ready." She smiled at me and clapped her hands together, "Excellent! I have the guitar and everything set up for you girls already just like you asked. Good luck, not that you need it. I'm always impressed by your work Rosy. " She gives me her final smile and walks away.

She has no idea how much confidence she just gave me. I was ready now.
I got up and made my way to the front of the class, Nicola right behind me. I sat down in a chair and picked up the guitar. Nicola sat next to me and gave me a wink before facing the class.

Mrs.Dash settled the class down before giving us the look that meant we could began. I took a deep breath as I started to play the first note. And then. I closed my eyes and let my minder just feel the touch of the guitar and let the words come to me naturally.

I'm tugging at my hair
I'm pulling at my clothes
I'm trying to keep my cool
I know it shows
I'm staring at my feet
My cheeks are turning red
I'm searching for the words inside my

Nicola then starts to sing the pre chorus.

Cause I'm feeling nervous
Trying to be so perfect
Cause I know you're worth it
You're worth it

I joined her for the rest of the chorus, I opened my eyes but kept them away from the states of my classmates.

If I could say what I wanna say, I'd say I wanna blow you.. Away.
Be with you every night
Am I squeezing you too tight?
If I could see what I want to see
I wanna see you go down
On one knee
Marry me today
Guess I'm wishing my life away
With this things I'll never say..

I looked into the eyes of my classmates and searched into the crowd until my eyes meet with Lukes. I wanted to tear my gaze from him but I couldn't.

It don't do me any good
It's just a waste of time
What use is it to you what on my mind?
If it ain't coming out
We're not going anywhere
So why can't I just tell you that I care..

I leave Nicola to sing the rest. I honestly couldn't think at the moment. I join her at the very end of the song.

Guess I'm wishing my life away
With these things I'll never say.
These things I'll never say..

I strum the last cord of the song perfectly. I get nervous as there is compete silence for the spam of about 3 seconds then the whole class bursts out in claps.

Nicola smiles at me and the our classmates. We make our at to our seats as Mrs.Dash speaks up.

"What a wonder song girls. Absolutely beautiful. See class, this is what I want. Things from your heart. I'm sure there are many more great acts to follow so come on come on. Let's get this show on a roll!"

And just like that the rest of the class period with by with people preforming.

The bell rings and I gather my things and start walking out with Nicola but then a voice I really didn't want to hear stopped me.

Mood from here on out is : Tell me why - Taylor swift

"Rosy, can we talk..?" Lukes stern voice made me term to face him. Nicola gave me a worried glance but I brushed her off. "Go on without me, I'll catch up in a sec. Promise" I smile at her and she hair gives me an unsure nod before leaving.

"Rosy, tell me why-" I raise my hand to cut him off.
"I'm doing this because you told me to. You told me to move on and that's exactly what I'm doing. You might think I'm bullet proof but I'm not Luke. I needed you to be there and you weren't. You promised and you broke it again." He gave me a sad look and then he frowned.

"What is with you Rose..? It's like I don't even know who you are anymore. It's a because of him isn't it? I told you Rose he's bad news. Marcus has done nothing but hurt you and Change you." I gasp at him. How dare he say such a thing!

"Excuse you, but Marcus has done the complete opposite! Yes he did hurt me but he attempted to fix it. A whole lot more than what you did. You did not only hurt me but made me feel small again. I let you in after you broke me and then you go off and break me again. You didn't come back and apologize. You didn't do anything! I waited. I was waiting and waiting hope you'd call, or come back and tell me you didn't mean it, something! But no! I'm sorry Luke but unless you have a good explanation onto why you left me there. Alone. Crying. With those words. Those same painful words you said to me before. Then I don't want to hear anymore of your excuses." I place my hands on my hip and tap my foot waiting for an answer than never came.

"You're unbelievable." I turn around and start to walk away when he finally speaks. "How can I explain something that I don't even understand?"

Totally random. I know. The thought just appeared in my head and I was like okay. Yes I know. A lot is going on but things are gonna die down soon ;)

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