Chatper 9

31 4 5

Wake up!!!
Wake up!!
Wake up!
But I don't want to..
Please! Wake up! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
Please wake up!


My head ached with pain, it was burning and throbbing.
I could hear voice muttering and feel a bright light.
My eyes quickly open and I'm stared down by a nice looking lady. She looks like she's wearing a nurse outfit, why would she be wearing a nurse outfit..?

I quickly rise up from the bed and instantly am hit by pain in my chest and my head burned again.
"Miss Rosalinda, please lie back down, you're not will enough to rise yet."
The nice lady helped me back down and relax again.
" Thank you.. But Umm.. Who are you and why am I here..?"
"Why.. Miss Rosalinda, don't you remember?"
" No.. Rosalinda, that's your name? What a pretty name!"
The look on her face Did not look good.
"Excuse me for a moment.." She ran over to the wall and pressed a gray button and began talking into it.
" Dr.Sean, she's awoken, but, there has been a problem..yes.. Yes I'll inform the family."
She stops talking and heads for the door. " Go back to sleep Miss..The Doctor will be here soon and.. There are quite a lot of people who have been waiting a while for you to wake up.."
As she leaves I speak up. " Wait! How long have I been here..?"
" .... About 5 days darling.." With that she walks out and I lay my head back down to rest.
But before I could finally rest the doors swing open and A tall man, I'm assuming the doctor, walks in with a bunch of people around him. Same about my age. But.. Who.. Are they..?
"Rosalinda! Thank god, I was so worried!" I instantly knew who that was, it was Lucas. But he looks.. Taller.. And Umm.. Different.. Dang. ( XD )
I look around though, the nurse wasn't here so who was he talking to?
" Umm, I think your mistaken, the nurse isn't in here so who are you calling Rosalinda..?"
The doctor speaks up, " Indeed, definitely memory loss, but you all should be happy that is ALL that happened. She could have died. Luckily the car wasn't going even remotely fast enough to kill her. Her memory will return, but who knows when, could be a few days, but days can turn into weeks, weeks into months and maybe even years. Let us hope for the best." He finishes writing and then looks towards me.
" YOU, my dear are Rosalinda, you are 17 years old, you were in a car accident and lost some memory, and seeing as you don't remember your name, that is one of the things. Tell me, what all do you remember?"
I had to think for a moment. I was 17..?
" Umm.. Sorry sir, but the last thing I remember is turning 15."
The people around me started to talk and when the doctor raised his hand they all hushed.
" I see.. That's a start.. At least we know a few things." He turns to the crowd that ha gathered in my room. " I advise you to watch over he closely, keep her in your view at all times, since her memory is not completely gone, we have things we can work with. But she will now be very easy to manipulate.. She has no clue what is true and what is false. Try to help her to regain those memories but do not push it. There is so much she can absorb right now at a time. Built up the memories until either she remembers or, you tell her everything that happened leading to the lose of her memory and her being her, we want her to stay another day to run a few tests on her quickly before releasing her but after that she is free to go." He turns back to me and smile. " I hope your memory returns soon my dear, I will be seeing you more often. Goodbye." He walks out the room with the crowd but Lucas is the only one who stays. Lucas.
"Rosy..Rosalinda.. I'd hug you right now but, I know you're in pain.. I'm so sorry.. You don't even remember what happened but please just know I'm sorry that it happened.."
I smile at him and laugh.
" Its okay Lucas, it probably wasn't all that bad, but do me a favor will you..?"
"Of course, anything!"
" stay by my side.. Till I remember.. Help me remember. I want to remember.."
He stays silent for a few minutes before clearing his throat and speaking.
" As you wish.. I promise, I'll help you get your memory back. No matter how long it takes."

Yay. :D happy sorta ending. Blah.
Panda out: for Bambo

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