Chapter 6

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There was no way..
I keep looking over the text so many times. But sure enough it was real.
Marcus: Hey, I'm sorry about being a jerk lately, I'm gonna throw a party Saturday. Invite the dork. Love U.

I just couldn't believe it. But I was actually concerned. What if these was all a set up and Marcus just wanted to prank Donny?
I guess I was just gonna have to take a chance at it. These is the first time Marcus has actually concerned inviting Donny to well.. Anything. I remember they used to be best friends until.. Until what happened exactly?? I don't even remember why they hate each other so much. While in fiddling trying to gain my thoughts together there's a knock at the door, I run downstairs towards the door and yell,
"who is it!?"
"It's me! Donny!"
I look through the peek hole and sure enough its Donny. I quickly unlock the door and open it. " well if it isn't the devil himself. What brings you here Donny?"
He smiles and brushes his bangs out of his face. Old habits die hard I guess.
" Well, I was in the neighborhood and remembered you lived here and wanted to stop by and say hi."
I cross my arms and lean up against the door.
"Mhmm.. Ok what are you really here for?"
"Ok ok you caught me, I wanted to know if you wanted to come to my place and swim? My mother and sisters would love to see you again. And you know, I thought we could, catch up?"
" I dunno Donny.." He gives me a puppy dog look that I just couldn't say no to.
"Oh.. Fine! But on one condition, you have to come to Marcus party with me Saturday."
"What!? Are you nuts? He's gonna kill me if I walk in there uninvited."
" See that's the thing.. He actually invited you this time. Please Donny!"
".. Fine, but I'm not leaving your side got it?"
" yes sir!" I give a salute and run inside to get my swimming clothes and a towel then run back out. " Ready to go Captain!"
"Let's go then"
And we head off to his place for a swim.

Short chapter today guys :3
Only updated cause my darling little friend Secilia wanted me to update for her. 😆 okay, maybe I'll update later? Who knows

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