Chapter 22

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Mood: King - Lauren Aquilina

I walked confidently to Nandos at about 6:30 to be there early. Knowing how Marcus is.

What I never expected to see was Him and Lizzie together, I didn't want to believe it but here I was.. Staring straight at them. Holding hands and.. I was just heartbroken.

Lizzie was the first to spot me. She smiled and kissed Marcus on the cheek before walking off with a sway of her hips.

Marcus and I made eye contact and it was silence shared between us for a good while.

"Rosy... We need to talk" he whispered out finally looking away from my gaze.
"Yea... We do." I agreed silently.

We sat at the tables outside the store and I just kept staring at him, I was mentally begging him to just make up some excuse for what I witnessed.. But I knew all too well what was coming..

"Rosy I... I just.. I'm so sorry.. but I think we need to break up. For good.."

I thought I had mentally prepared myself for this but in reality, i wasn't.
I looked down at my lap and griped my jeans with my hands.

I sat there silently, replaying all the memory's of us in my head, I just couldn't help but think, did he really mean anything he had ever said..?

I quickly got up not wanting to hear anymore, I didn't even notice Marcus standing up as well and walking straight over to me and placing his hands on my face to face him.

"..We are messy and complicated.. That's why I need you to let me go..I need you to forget about me.."

" But how can I forget about you.. You gave me so much to much to hold on too.." I meet his eyes with my watery ones..

" I know.. But sometimes, we have to let go.. It's for the best.. Trust me.." He hesitantly hugged me and I didn't hug back. I just stood there frozen..

He let me go and meet my gaze one last time before turning and staring walking off towards the direction of where Lizze went of to.


I'm not sure how long I stood there.. Just frozen staring at the spot where Marcus had just been..

It suddenly started to rain out of no where. I looked up at the sky and finally let the tears I had been holding in flow out. I now finally understood why sad people loved the rain.. They were no longer crying alone.. I felt so alone though..

My heart felt so broken and betrayed.. After everything.. Everything that we had been through, all the memories we created together he just ended it like that. The question that kept appearing in my life found its way here once again.. Why. Just why..?

What did I do wrong?
Why does this always happen to me?

Instantly I was hit with a wave of memories just flashing before my eyes.
Of when I was a child.
Of Luke and I
Of my friend..
Of just my life..

I have never felt so lost like this before..
So at lost for words..
I kept finding myself in this predicaments.

As i just stand there contemplating everything that has happened a pair of arms wrap around me.

Instant fear ran through my body, that is, until I hear his calming voice.

"It's okay Rose.. I'm here now.." I hear those reassuring words but i don't feel at peace. 

Instead I let myself sink, into darkness, into the only thing that makes me feel safe.

The feeling of nothing.

And then i fall. And the world becomes dark.

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