Chapter 21

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Mood: Say something - I can't remember the artist and in to lazy to look it up so :P

About 2 weeks later

I walked into the school that Thursday morning feeling slightly dreadful.

Every since Monday night Marcus has been avoiding me slightly. I don't understand why. We were having a normal conversation and then suddenly he just changed moods.

We were sitting in my room watching Netflix. I was cuddled up between his legs.

I was playing with the hem of his shirt when I spoke up.

"So, how'd your doctors appointment go..?" I felt him tense behind me as I looked up to make eye contact with him.

"It was fine, just the usual. Got new meds. And.. Just new regular cheek ups. But let's not talk about that right now. Okay?" I nod and nuzzle my head into his chest.

"I wish we could stay like this forever.."
He strokes his hair and plants a kiss to my forehead and sighs silently..
" I do too.."

"Don't ever leave me.. Please.." I whisper out but his response catches me off guard. "I can't promise you that.. I have to go Rosalinda, I'll text you later love." He kisses my cheek quickly and stands up make me fall backwards slightly and lean against my bed.

I only can watch as he quickly runs out of my room leaving me speechless

I'm brought back to reality at the sight of something I hoped to never see..

Lizzie was hugging Marcus and whispering things in his ear.

Marcus back was to me so he couldn't see me. But Lizzie has a clear view of me.
My skin boiled as I see her smirk and send me a wink before kissing Marcus cheeks and walking off.

Why didn't he even attempt to push her away?!
I storm over to him and tap his shoulder impatiently.

He turns and looks at me surprised for a second but then smiles at me.

"Hey rose, what's up?"

"What's up? Marcus you haven't talked to me since Monday night. And just now I saw Lizzie all over you, why didn't you attempt to stop her? "

I see his smile drop and he rubs the back of his neck and sigh.

"We're just friends Rose.. And about Monday. Tomorrow night I want to take you out and explain. I'm sorry.. I really am. But I got to go now so I'll text you later the details. Just wear something casual...Bye." He quickly runs off once again and I am left to watch him.

I bite my lip and can't help a sigh escape from my lips. I feel like he doesn't even want to speak to me anymore.. And it worries me. Something seems up with Marcus..

I can't really worry about this right now though. Luke's going to be graduating soon and I need to find the perfect gift for him. Marcus and I were suppose to go shopping Saturday but seeing how things are right now, I doubt he's going to want to go. Oh well, it's worth a shot at least.


The rest of my day just seemed to drag on. I was honestly not up for tomorrow. But it was all I could think about. Was it so important Marcus to explain to me that he's taking me out to explain it? It seems a little more than that to me but maybe it's just my mind playing tricks on me..

While I'm pondering the though my phone buzzes; signaling I had received a message from none other than Marcus.

Marcus: Nandos: 7pm: wear something comfortable.

I confirmed it with him and the rest of the day just drag on along, just thinking about tomorrow and hoping everything is okay..

Then again my phone buzzes and I receive a message from someone I though I blocked a while back.

Lizzie: The games almost over, by the end of your turn. You'll be crying while I will be laughing and smiling. Seems you have lost and I have won. 'It was nice playing with you' ;)

What the actual fudge..?

I sorry. No update so long. I lost my train of taught: and I had my sweet 15 party and was like super busy: sorrys

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