Chapter 1

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"Mommy, when is daddy coming back?"
"I don't know..."
"Mommy, why are you crying?"
"Because daddy left"
"Why did daddy leave?"
"..Because of you. Because of you he left's all your fault"

It's been 6 years since my dad left, Im 12 years old now and not a day has gone by that I don't remember my dad. He still calls from time to time but he never really talks to me. Mom still blames me about everything but I've gotten used to it. What else could I do? Today we just finished moving and I'm going to be going to the middle school around here. Mom has a friend who's son goes to the highschool but I've never meet him, until today, we're going to go over to their house for a meal tonight and I'm very excited. I might actually make a friend!! Then I won't be so lonely anymore.

Like he'd be friend with a loser like you

Stupid mind, always making me think bad about myself.

It's the truth, you're just a mistake waiting to ruin things.

No, I'm not, I'm going to prove that I'm not. I'm going to change and show mom I'm not a mistake. I'm going to make friends and live a normal teenage life.. At least I hope so..

"Rosalinda! Hurry up, were going to be late!" I quickly grab my purse and run downstairs. "Coming mother!" Once I got down she eye-balled me up and down and sighed. She never liked anything I wore and always criticized me. But this time she just walked out the door and I followed in pursuit. I take a deep breath and say a quick prayer. Please God, let me make at least one friend. I walk down to stairs and to the car, and we head off into the night sky, please let this end good

Some of the stuff in these book are things that are happening or really did happen to me and the others in here but the rest is just made up. just wanted you guys to know.

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