Chapter 19

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"How can I explain something that I don't even understand?"


Luke and I had a long discussion after that. About things we felt we had to disuse with each other.
" I really miss you talking to me.."
After our long heart felt discussion, we pushed past our anger and we went back to being semi-friends. I miss luke but I that doesn't mean I'm going to let him on completely again..


As I was down the hallway with Nicola planning our trip to the fall with the boys this weekend when a golden paper on the wall caught my eye.

I immediately stopped talking with Nicola and turned to face the paper and began reading.

" We couldn't wait..
Lollipops turned into cigarettes
The innocent ones turned into the dirty ones
Homework goes in the trash
Detention became suspension
Mobile phones are used in class
Soda turns into vodka
Bikes become cars
Kisses turn into s*x
Remember when getting high meant swinging on the playground?
When protection meant wearing a helmet?
When the worst thing you could get from boys were cooties?
Dads shoulders were the highest place on earth and your mom was your hero?
Race issues were who ran the fastest.
The only drug we knew was cough medicine.
The most pain you felt was when you scrapped your knee.
Goodbyes were only until tomorrow.
Man.. We just couldn't wait to grow up.

~ Marcus Cruz

"Shocking isn't it?" The voice of the last person I wanted to see boomed behind me. I turned and am face to face with the one and only Lizzie Thomas. "Didn't know lover boy had it in him." She crossed her arm and smirked at me as I just continued to glare at her.

She finally sighs in defeat. "Listen Rosy, I want to say sorry, but if I said that it'd be a lie. Because as much as I feel bad for you. I wish you had forgotten about Marcus. Because I'm not giving up on him. One way or another I'm taking him back."

Anger built up inside me, I can't believe I actually thought for a moment she was my friend. "Why are you doing this to me? I've don't nothing to you!" She glared at me before huffing out, " You made me unhappy."
Unhappy? Me? Her? "What do you mean I made you unhappy?"

She brushed some hair out of her face and was silent for a second.
" I fell in love with someone who doesn't love me back. I was so close. So close to getting him to trust me, to let me in and I had managed to do it! But then you, you come back along and ruined everything! But just a heads up, I'm not giving up." She turned back around and walked off towards the direction of the parking lot.

I turned to look at Nicola who was just staring down.
"You okay Nicola..?" I ask her generally worried.
She looks up at me smiling.
"Fine, I was just trying to control my temper because I was about to go off on that girl." I laugh at her response and give her a hug.

We brush off the incident that just happened and we walk out to meet the boys.

We find Luke and Donny chatting it up, Nicola goes and joins them while I look around for Marcus. Where could he be?

Suddenly a pair of arms wrap around me pulling me into a hug. "Hey.." I smile realizing who it is and laugh softly. "Nice entrance Marcus." I turn and kiss him on the cheek.
He backs up and bows.
" I am just full of surprises my dear."
Before I could respond Donny shouts towards us.
"Hey lovebirds! As much as I hate to interrupt your moment, it's time to scram." We look at each other before laughing and making our way to our group of friends.

We all drive off in our cars. Donny in his own, Nicola with Lucas and Marcus with me. We were gonna play some games in the park.

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