Chapter 1: I Can't Remember Anything

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~Mark's POV~

I shot up from my bed with beads of sweat all over my face and neck. My cheeks were redder than ripe apples from the excessive heat, and the only thing I can the dream.

I was asleep for four days, starting on September 2nd. How did I manage to sleep for ninety-six hours straight!? I must've been very tired from all the work that was piling up for me. In that dream, I was screaming loudly as all of my friends and family were screaming at me to wake up at the mall. I kept telling them that I was awake, but before I knew it, I woke up here, in my bed. I thought everything was okay, until I checked the date. September 6th, 2014. "That can't be right. I thought it was October 2015!"

After realizing that everything I thought happened was a fake, I looked through everything to make sure. I looked through text messages, not seeing her name on any message thread. I looked all over for that photo album that girl made for me, but there was no sign of it. There were no self-inflicted wounds on my arms, which both relieved me and scared me.

There was no evidence leading to the dream. Everything I thought happened was a lie. It wasn't until I looked through my dresser drawer that I found a very familiar small box. I opened it and saw that a twenty-four karat gold ring with a diamond was in it. This was the only piece of evidence I was able to find. "I was going to ask that girl to marry me again after shopping for something she might like." I said to myself. That girl in my dream-what was her name...(f/n)?-was so beautiful. Her (h/c) hair, her (e/c) eyes, and that perfect body figure she had. It always made my heart melt in that dream. But how can dreams feel so long and so real like that?

An alarm on my iPhone went off. The little message said, "Comicon in twenty-four hours." I panicked again. "Comicon!? I didn't even know there was one to go to!" I screeched, freaking out.

I charged into my recording room to book a flight to...where now? I sighed in frustration and looked through some messages on my phone. My friends, Bob and Wade, sent me messages within the past four days asking if I was excited to head to Indiana. That state was very familiar to me. That's where that girl said she was from. Maybe she's there? I have to meet her!

Bob and Wade sent me those messages a few days ago when I was out cold in bed. It still flustered me to think that I'd be asleep for so long, and for no serious reason. Who's even capable of sleeping that long?

Luckily, I still remember having a YouTube channel, but again, I panicked knowing that I haven't posted any videos lately and that my fans might think I'm dead or something.

In the dream, I had over nine million subscribers. I checked the subscriber count and I only had a little over five million. All of the videos I thought I posted over the course of one year that I thought I had lived weren't of existence. My face fell in disappointment, because I remember those videos being funny as hell.

The sun was shining brightly through my windows. It is pretty warm outside, I hear birds singing through the open windows, and despite the confusion, I felt content. That dream was both perfect and a nightmare. I'm never one to inflict self-harm, but that girl...she was so perfect.

I have to find her tomorrow before, during, or after Comicon. I quickly booked a flight to the location of Comicon in Indiana and started walking around the house.

Too many memories flooded my mind from the dream. The piled up movies on the DVD rack were the very ones in my dream. I had watched most of these movies with her when we My mind jumped from watching movies with her to hitting her across the face. "What the hell!?" I said loudly. "I hit her!?"

I tried to shrug it off, but the fact that I can remember it perfectly from the dream only made me feel worse.

Just to make sure I wasn't dreaming right now, I pinched myself tightly on my side. I yelped in pain, but saw that I'm still in the very same spot. Maybe all of that was a dream. But I need answers, and I need them now.

~Your POV~

I tried looking around the room for something to help me remember my real life. Melissa now knows about my situation, the whole entire dream, and she explained to me that the only reason why I was asleep for so long was because I had taken a sleeping pill that was meant for a man five times my size by accident.

Judging from the scale in the bathroom, my weight was still the same from the dream. One-twenty. My body felt thinner than that, though.

I went back to the bedroom with Melissa and asked her to refresh my memory. She told me that I kept a diary and that I wrote in it once a day. I asked her to find it while I searched through that phone my grandma gave me for messages from Mark. I found none. No pictures, no trace of him anywhere in my phone.

I scanned the room and did find a bouquet of roses. I furrowed my eyebrows and inspected them. The note on a piece of paper read, From Mark. What the hell? Are these the flowers he gave me before he proposed to me at the beach?

Melissa came back with the journal in hand. The journal was black and the front had my name engraved. "What the fuck!?" I screamed, startling Melissa. "(F/n)! Calm down! We're going to figure this out!" she screamed back. I breathed in, and opened the book. The first date that read on top was November of 2012.

I spent the next while reading through every page, trying to gather some memories together, but it didn't work too well. That dream...oh my god, that dream.

I slammed the book shut and threw it across the room. As my left wrist was held out in front of me, I realized that the tattoo I had in the dream wasn't there, along with the rest of them on my arms. It only frustrated me even more.

My parents finally came home from...wherever they were. I ran up to them both and hugged them. They hugged me back with smiles on their faces. "Wow, someone's finally awake!" Mom cheered. I broke from their embrace. "Mom, Dad, it was so weird!" I started. "I had this long dream and now, I can't remember anything anymore! I didn't even remember that I had a sister!" I explained. They looked startled by my sudden screaming and attempted to calm me down, but I couldn't hold in all of this anxiety anymore. "I need answers, Mom!" I yelled. I started crying in her shoulder.

"Calm down, (f/n)." they said together. I wiped away my tears and sat them on the couch. I took a half an hour explaining to them the whole dream, the details of it, the events that happened, and how I was a killer. I even told them about this famous guy I watch on YouTube, Markiplier, and how he proposed to me on the beach when we took a trip to L.A. I even showed them the flowers with the note saying, From Mark. They thought that that was a little weird.

"I want to find him and talk to him about this. He's going to be at Comicon tomorrow in...-" I checked the ticket again. "-Here actually." I finished. That fact shocked me, though. Maybe we're meant to meet up with each other.

My parents nodded. "Okay, but on the eighth, we have to get our stuff ready to move." Dad said. I was at a loss of words. "Um, where to?" I asked, probably knowing where already. "Cincinnati, Ohio." Mom said. My eyes widened. I knew it! Mark and I really are meant to be! I wonder how he's doing, if he even had this dream too.


Crazy shit going on here haha welcome to book 4!! ohmaaahgawd :D it seems like you and mark are really meant to be. let's see what happens at comicon!

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