Chapter 18: Hello There!

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~Your POV~

It took a while, but we finally arrived in New York. The city was beautiful, but it wasn't long until we passed through it. There were signs everywhere, tall buildings, pizza restaurants everywhere, and so many yellow taxi cars! It was mayhem here!

Mark stayed close behind us. It was easy to get lost in his city with the traffic and large trucks blocking the street signs.

We drove for another hour and a half, and my stomach was turning every five minutes. I felt like I was going to vomit, but Mom held my hand in an attempt to calm me down. She especially knows how much me and my body hate road trips.

We arrived in a small town that's called "Hampton Bays". Obviously, there wasn't too much around, but it looked nice enough. Nothing like Ohio, though, but still good enough I guess.

I saw very few people walking around. I saw mostly kids that look like high school dropouts and they look like they're gangster wanna-bes or something weird like that. Or maybe they're not. Maybe they really are in a gang. Who am I to judge?

Grandma and Grandpa's house is located in a neighborhood on the east side of town by Shinnecock Beach. Yay, I get to go to the beach for the second time in my life!

We arrived at my grandparents' house. They were overly joyed to see us come inside. Mark parked his car behind ours and also went to greet them. My grandparents were especially happy to see him because they thought he was my "boyfriend", which they're completely right about.

"Hello, my beautiful (f/n)!" Grandma said as she pulled me in for a hug. I hugged her back. Wow, it's been so long since I've seen her. The last time I saw her was a few years ago during Christmas.

We spent the day catching up with Grandma and Grandpa. They got to know Mark a lot more and thought he was perfect for me. They're very intelligent when it comes to love and psychology.

I start school on Monday at Hampton Bays High School. Oh, I wonder what awaits me there.

Mark's room is the second door on the left upstairs, and mine is right across from his. Everything in my room is set up and unpacked, and my grandparents said we can stay there for as long as we want. Moving here was a bitter-sweet event. I miss my friends in Ohio, but now I get to start fresh and be a different person. I don't even have to tell anybody about my history. They can just get to know me as a sweet, innocent girl who has not been through any life-changing shit.

I woke up at six-thirty to my alarm. Monday, January 25, 2016. The day my life finally starts over again. Mark also woke up. His hair was all messy and cute at the same time. He put on his glasses as he walked out of his room and smiled at me. "Ready for school?" he asked me. I nodded. "I'm as ready as I'll ever be, I guess." I told him with a wide smile. He chuckled and hugged me, kissing the top of my head. "Good. Well get ready and I'll be ready to drive you there." he said as he walked back into his room. I nodded and did the same thing.

I straightened my hair and threw on an outfit. An All Time Low t-shirt with dark blue skinny jeans and my converse shoes. I took a final look in the mirror and went downstairs. Mom prepared breakfast for me and Mark. We sat down at the table and started eating. Mom made pancakes and scrambled eggs. Dad was reading a newspaper my Grandpa had on the table. Yeah, my grandparents are early risers. They wake up at five in the morning every day. How? I have no idea.

Mark drove me to school. It only took about a minute because we live a few streets over. Before I got out of the car, he held my hand. "Have a great day, (f/n)." he told me with a cute smile on his face. I pecked him on the lips and got out of the car.

The inside of the school was pretty crowded with people. There was one group in particular that reminded me a lot of my friends back in Ohio, except this group was a little smaller. I was distracted from the commotion from looking around the whole area. I guess this is the main lobby. Why is everyone crowded around in here? Why aren't they going to their lockers?

I was snapped out of my trance when a girl with long, red, scene-styled hair stood in front of me. She was about my height, and she had black eyeliner ending in a wing, red lipstick, and green eyes. She even had a nose ring! Lucky girl. She was smiling at me, and I smiled back.

"You must be the new girl." she told me. I nodded. "Yeah, just moved here yesterday actually." I said back. She held out a hand toward me to shake mine. "Hi, my name is Scarlet." she said as she shook my hand.


this is the end of book 4! wow, where did the time go? I remember writing my first book back in November. I'm surprised that I'm still sticking with this whole series lol usually I'd give up after getting halfway in the second story lmfao well i'm going to work on book 5 now. I'll let you guys know in the next part what the title is just in case you want to read that too. thanks for reading! and i'm going to try to focus more on making romantic moments between you and Mark because I've been lacking that a lot lol yaaaaay :D

oh boy...scarlet :p

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