Chapter 14: We Need A Plan

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~Gang Member's POV~

She thinks she can get away with murder. That girl should be smart enough to know that fucking around with a gang can lead her to serious consequences. I'm not letting her get away with what she did. She has no idea what she has done, but when I finish her, she won't have any idea about anything because she'll be dead.

I met up with everybody else after checking around the whole neighborhood. "Yo, Scott!" someone called out to me. I spun around and saw Andrew, Darrell, and Trey walking toward me. They obviously didn't have any luck with finding that girl or Terrance. As the new gang leader, I became overly impatient and aggravated. "She can't get away with this, man." I stated. "She killed him and doesn't even realize it!" The three of them were looking in all different directions, looking for her or Terrance. I don't know how someone who was so loyal could just betray us like that, over some petty, worthless girl.

~Your POV~

Mark and Skylar led me back to my apartment. My parents were looking a little calmer now. They were sitting on the couch, watching T.V. together. I wanted to sneak past them, but Mark insisted that I'd speak to them. Why? I don't know.

Dad was barely able to maintain eye contact with me while I sat between him and Mom. Mom, however, was able to look at me because she has nothing to be guilty about. She didn't try to attack me like Dad did. Knowing that Dad tried to hurt me made me realize that once someone does something one time, they will almost always do it again. It's kind of like self-harming. They want to stop so bad, and yet, it's too tempting and they end up doing it over and over again until they go too far and end up turning it into a fatal situation. I just hope that Dad is able to control himself like Mark was able to when he hit me that one time. I'm glad that Mark set an example like that. People who hurt other people won't realize what they're doing until it's too late. Mark was able to recognize that sooner than later. Okay, now I'm rambling. Let's get on with our lives.

"Honey, I'm really sorry for scaring you like that." Dad said as he stared at his lap. His hands were balled up within one another, tightening as he was coming to terms with what he had tried doing earlier. He should feel guilty for the way he reacted for such a minor setback. He can get another job, but he'll never be able to get another daughter like me.

"Fine, Dad." I mumbled. Mark was standing behind me at the couch. I was about to stand up and walk away, but Dad grabbed me by the wrist. He's never done that before. Mom even looked a bit shocked. "I'm serious, (f/n)." he said, almost scary-like. I nodded my head, hoping that he'd let go. "I know, Dad. It's fine." I told him, trying to retrieve my wrist. He let go and covered his face with his palms. Mom just sat there and stared at him. Yep, this is only the beginning of the roller coaster of lies and emotions my Dad will soon be experiencing.

I walked past Mark to my bedroom. Skylar was already in here, playing my PlayStation 2. She looked back at me when I came inside. "How did it go with your parents?" she asked me. I just stared at her, and shook my head. "My Dad's really weird." I answered. I sat on the bed and watched her play her game.

After a little while, I walked back out to the living room and saw that my parents weren't home. Mark was still here. He was sitting on the couch on his phone. He looked up at me and put his phone away. "You feeling alright?" he asked me. I took a seat next to him and held his hand. My hand was trembling in his, and he was able to notice the anxiety that was going through me. "I've never been so scared in my life." I finally answered. "He's never acted like that toward me before. Even Mom was surprised!" Mark nodded his head. "Well, they went out for a little bit. I guess they're looking for another job." My grip on his hand tightened a little bit. "Good. Hopefully Dad will find one and won't attempt to hurt me again because I didn't do shit to him, ever." I said.

Skylar came and joined us on the couch. She looked a little concerned about something. "Guys, we still need to find a way around this whole gang bullshit." she reminded us. "They're out there looking for us, and probably Terrance too." I stood up from the couch and headed toward the kitchen. "Well, knowing Terrance, he's probably asleep or something." I said. "He always sleeps during the day." Skylar's eyes widened. "That's even worse! They'll get him and probably kill him while he's asleep!" she exclaimed. "We need to warn him now!" She stood next to me in the kitchen. "I've been involved in this kind of gang shit, and believe me, it wasn't easy to get out of it. The only reason why I got out at all is because Terrance had them think I was dead." That scared me even more. It made me think that there truly was no way out of a gang. A lot of organizations suggest that there is a way to get out, but that involves having to move out of the state and blocking all contact with the members. God only knows how unlikely that is for my case.

Although, Skylar said she had to "fake her own death". Maybe that idea will work for us too. I doubt that they'll believe Terrance though because he wants out just as much as we do, and those gang members are very well aware of that. Skylar and I seemed to have figured out the same thing at the same time because we realized just now that we were staring at each other. "We're thinking the same thing, aren't we?" she asked. "Does it involve telling them that we're dead because we "killed ourselves"?" I asked as I squinted my eyes. She nodded. "I have to call up some people." she told me. Mark looked back at us in the kitchen. He was a little confused because our voices were a little quiet.

I went back to sit next to him on the couch. "Did you guys come up with a plan?" he asked me. I nodded and stared straight ahead, almost zoning out. I had too much to think about. Could this truly get us out of this situation? Because they can still find us and probably even kill us right then and there, whether it be at school, or in a desert.

"What is it?" he asked, trying to catch my attention. I looked back at Skylar, who was making phone call after phone call. I pointed at her very briefly and faced Mark. "She has it covered. We'll be alright." I assured him. He nodded and wrapped his arm around me. "Things can never be easy for us, can they?" he asked, chuckling at the end. I chuckled, too. "I know. It's like ever since you met me, your life has been hellish. There's always one thing happening to us." I explained. "I've never met a moment's peace ever since I moved here." Mark smiled at me. "Well, at least these things make our lives a little more interesting, and what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger." Oh Mark, him and his words of wisdom. I pecked his cheek and waited for Skylar to finish her series of phone calls and preparations.


finally! chapter 14 is up! it took me a little while cuz i had writers block -___- chapter 15 will hopefully be up tomorrow if im not too busy. thxx for reading!! :D

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