Chapter 17: The Second Move

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~Your POV~

It's been a few months since Skylar's funeral. I'm now eighteen years old, and Mark and I are legal. My parents weren't able to find a job, and we were very behind on our rent. We owed this place around two grand, and that's just for the rent. Not even the electricity or anything is included. We're so screwed.

Mark, surprisingly enough, is also on the verge of getting evicted. I'm not sure why, he didn't tell me, but it has to be because of something serious.

It's the day after my birthday (Friday, January 22nd 2016), and my parents walked in on me when I was asleep. "Honey, wake up. We have to talk to you." Mom said. School was cancelled today because we were getting a lot of snow. It is seven in the morning, and my parents don't look too happy. I sat up in bed and waited for them to spill the beans. Mom sat on the far edge of my bed while Dad stood by the door.

Mom sighed. "We're losing the apartment." she said bluntly. My eyes grew wide gradually. I knew we were behind on our rent, but now we're being forced to leave!? Where the hell are we going to go!?

"Oh." That was all I managed to say. I almost choked even after saying that. Mom nodded. "We're going to stay with Grandma and Grandpa in New York. We have to pack our things. We leave tomorrow." Mom got up and left the room. I sighed sadly and got up from bed somehow. The photo album that has pictures of me and Skylar was sitting on my end table. I picked it up and skimmed through the pages. I used my digital camera to take these pictures, and had them professionally printed soon after Skylar died.

"I miss you." I said as I closed the book and set it down. Skylar had a note for me, which I glued in here once I received it.

Dear (F/n), I'm so happy that we're best friends! Yaaay! You're the greatest person I've ever met. You and I really connect. You understand me, and you're the only one who knows my deepest secrets. That should be considered an honor lol. I look forward to spending the rest of my life having you as my best friend. I love you! BFFs! Love, Skylar.

Skylar really has been my best friend. Ever since she died, me and the rest of my friends didn't really speak to each other. Yeah, we'd still eat lunch together during our lunch period, but we remained silent. Skylar made all six of us whole. She was the source of our happiness and our desire to socialize. Now both of those things are nonexistent. We all hate the world, and it's all their fault. Oh wait, no. It's all my fault.

The looks on my friends' faces on Monday after the funeral at school were just numb. I felt the same way, except probably worse because she and I were closer than anyone else in the world. Now, it's as if these guys never met me because none of us even speak to each other. It's just as well because I'm leaving tomorrow.

I've encountered those gang members a few times since they killed Skylar. All they'd do is just nod at me, and walk off. I didn't tell the police that they killed Skylar because I didn't feel like testifying against anyone. I just wanted it all to be over at that point.

I decided to get started on my packing. This was going to be a hard day for me both emotionally and physically.

~Mark's POV~

I'm getting evicted sooner than I expected. I don't understand what had happened. I pay my rent on time, I'm nice to all of my neighbors, and everything seemed okay! What in the world happened!?

Despite the confusion, I have to leave tomorrow, or I'll be kicked out on the street without any of my belongings, and I'll have nothing.

***The Next Day***

~Your POV~

Mark is driving behind us. We're on our way to New York, and it's going to be a nine hour drive. Like I've mentioned a long time ago, road trips as long as this one will eventually make me car sick. Dad used the last of his money to pay for the moving truck, which was about five hundred dollars. We'll be living with my grandparents, and Mark; I have no idea where he'll stay. Well, now that I'm eighteen, I'll be allowed to have him live in the same house as me! After all, my grandparents live in this expensive two-story five-bedroom, four-full-bathroom house. Those two are rich!

Dad is having the moving truck meet us at my grandparents' house. We're going to take out the things we're going to need, and the rest is going into storage. Mark is having the same thing being done. We might only need our beds, end tables, clothes, you know, all of our personal possessions.

It was hard for me to say goodbye to all of my friends. They looked even sadder than they did at Skylar's funeral. And believe me, they were overly distraught.

I fell asleep in the car to ignore the car sickness I was developing.


second to last chapter! i'm thinking about making a 5th book lol wish me luck guys :D thxx for reading

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