Chapter 6: Why Did This Happen?

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~Your POV~

Korey helped me up from the ground onto my feet. My shoulder was hurting a lot, which made me struggle getting up. "We need to get you to the hospital." he stated. I rolled my eyes, obviously knowing that.

Before we even left the field, a car pulled up that looked exactly like Mark's car. Korey and I rushed up to it and saw Mark getting out from the drivers seat. "Oh my God, (f/n)!" he yelled, helping me into the passenger seat. I cringed at the sharp pain my shoulder was enduring. "Mark, careful! It hurts." I said sternly. He nodded and gently sat me down in the seat. Korey sat in the back behind me. Mark ran around the car back to the drivers seat and got inside. "Are you feeling...dizzy or anything?" he asked, panicked. I shook my head. "I feel fine. The bleeding for the most part stopped." I said reassuringly. He nodded and began driving toward the hospital.

For the first minute, we sat in silence. Nothing seemed to make any sense. Korey tried making sense out of it, but how can I die so quickly from a petty bullet wound like this? Maybe my blood cell count is low or something because otherwise, it makes no sense.

"It happened to you too, didn't it?" Mark asked, keeping his eyes on the road. I turned to him, and nodded slightly. He saw that from the corner of his eye. "What happened to you?" I asked. Korey looked slightly confused, but kept to himself. I already knew that Mark was in the mall, but what could possibly happen at the mall, of all places?

"I don't know. Someone must've hit me over the head with something blunt and either knocked me out cold or killed me for a short period of time." he answered. He shrugged. "All I know is that we're alive and breathing."

I turned around to Korey, who was looking out the window. How did he survive a bullet to the head? The survival rate of those who survive bullets to the head is literally five percent. Although, I didn't hear about a funeral taking place for Korey, so I guess I should've known that he had lived somehow. Oh, my "friends" would love to find this out. Maybe then they'll stop bullying me.

We got to the hospital and I was immediately checked in. They saw the blood from my wound saturating the cloth used to cease the bleeding. A doctor quickly arrived and took me to a room to remove the bullet and stitch up the wound.

~Mark's POV~

Korey and I waited in the waiting room for (f/n). I doubt she'll be able to go home tonight, unless we get lucky. We exchanged looks at each other. I was still confused by how he was still alive after getting shot by Jackson.

"How?" I asked bluntly. He looked at me again. "How what?" he asked like he didn't know. I roamed my eyes to his forehead and saw a scar. Well, at least that helps him stand out from his twin brother.

"How did they save you?" I finally asked. He breathed in. "The bullet didn't cause too much damage to my brain. Just a small skull fracture, and the tip of the bullet barely touched the brain. So, thank God for craniums, right?" he said with a shrug. "Besides, the bullet wasn't even that big or thick. Just the size of a man's pinky finger." he added. I looked down at the floor, finally understanding. "So I guess that explains why there was no funeral." I concluded. He nodded. "Plus, the ambulance came just on time to save me anyway." he said back. "I'm a lucky bastard."

Korey and I have been sitting here for an hour. A doctor finally came out and told us that she's ready for us to see her. We both got up and followed the doctor to her room where she'll be recovering. She looked a little worn out. They must've given her a bunch of pain relievers before working on her. She noticed us come in and smiled weakly. "Hey guys." she said tiredly. I smiled a little bit and kissed her forehead. Korey sat next to her and looked at her in the eyes. (F/n) turned her attention to him. "So, tell me. How are you alive?" she asked.

Korey started explaining to her what he told me. Little by little, she started to understand better. Things started making a little more sense. We both got hurt, we both died for what seemed like forever but in reality a few moments, and Korey just happened to survive a bullet to the head. Now, all there is to do is move on. I think what we had experience while being dead for a few minutes was our heaven at first, but then it turned into hell as we regained consciousness. That definitely explains why things were going too fast. Also, my subscriber count would never dare go that low, I doubt there's anything to hate about me unless I seriously fuck up somehow, and (f/n)'s sister wouldn't be that stupid if she had one, especially if they're twins, right?

I nodded at my conclusions and kissed (f/n) on the forehead again. Korey checked the time and stood up. "I have to get going. Will I see you in school tomorrow?" he asked (f/n). She frowned an eyebrow. I decided to answer for her. "The doctor did tell us that she might be able to leave sometime in the afternoon tomorrow, so more likely than not, no." I told him. He breathed out. "Right." he said with a chuckle. "I'll see you when you get out. I'll let everyone else know I'm okay." he added before leaving.

I sat by (f/n)'s side the rest of the night. She had fallen asleep an hour after Korey went home. I gently adjusted her body so she was closer to the edge so I had a place to sleep. It was pretty weird that her parents weren't aware of her being here. I guess (f/n) made her parents believe that she was spending the night at her friend's house or something.

Hours later, (f/n) woke me up by nudging on my shoulder. My arm was wrapped around her waist when I woke up. "Mark, wake up." she said softly. I shot up and looked at her in her beautiful (e/c) eyes. I smiled sweetly and planted a kiss on her lips. She kissed back right away. "Morning, baby." I said after she broke the kiss. She smiled back and got up. "I have to pee." she joked, but was being serious. I waved her on and got myself up. I checked the time and saw that it was eight in the morning. Damn, I must've been exhausted.

I fixed my hair in the mirror facing the bed. My hair was all floofy. Before I started brushing my hair out, I took a selfie on my phone and posted it on Facebook. The caption being, "The floof returns!"

Within the first few minutes, I already had over seven hundred likes. I smiled, knowing that my fans are still here. That "heaven" was so traumatizing and makes me paranoid that one day it will come true. But, I haven't fucked up with my fan-base, I always donate to charity, and I make videos to brighten even the most depressed person's day up.

(F/n) came out with her hair fixed up. The scar on her shoulder looked more like a heart rather than a perfect circle. She looked at her left wrist where her tattoo was, and looked relieved to see it still there. I smiled.

~Your POV~

I was relieved to see my tattoos still in tact. I looked at Mark, who was smiling. I smiled back again. "I didn't have these tattoos in that weird thing that happened." I told him. "Oh, alright." he said back.

A doctor came inside with two plates of scrambled eggs and bacon. "Good morning, you two." he said. We both turned to him and smiled. "Morning." Mark said and waved. He put the tray on the table by the bed and let us eat. Mark and I sat on the bed together and started eating. I was starving from what happened yesterday.

I looked at Mark as I swallowed my eggs. He was just watching me eat, barely touching any of his food. "You're so beautiful in this light." he told me. I blushed and hid my face behind my bangs. He placed his thumb and index finger on my chin and had me face him. My face was again exposed to the light. He gently moved the bangs out of my face and for the first time in so long, he saw my full face. My skin was warm to his touch, and my pink blush was apparent from the sun rays. "So...beautiful." he said right before kissing me.


everything seems to be alright now!! \(^.^)/ let's hope that it stays that way..

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