Chapter 7: Lunch With Him

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~Your POV~

Hours after Mark and I woke up, I got discharged from the hospital. The scar ached a little bit, but it's better than having pints of blood being lost. Mark drove me to a restaurant so we could get some "real food".

A few streets over was where we pulled over. It was just a basic family restaurant. Mark and I decided to sit down at a table and eat here instead of getting our food to go. The greeter sat us at a table by a window with two chairs facing opposite of each other. She handed us a couple of menus and asked for our drink order. I ordered a (drink you want) and Mark ordered a soda.

We sat here and just stared at each other for a while longer. Mark was smiling his adorable smile while I continuously tried to hide my blush from him. "I'm so happy to be with you again, (f/n)." Mark said suddenly. I got out of hiding from behind my hair and smiled sweetly at him. "I am too, Markimoo." I said, playfully punching his shoulder from across the table. He rolled his eyes and shook his head. "What am I going to do with you?" he asked himself. I laughed like a child and continued to stare into his eyes.

Mark's face started getting serious now, and I think I already have an idea of what was on his mind. "So tell me, what happened to you during your, I guess you can say, near death experience?" he asked. I sighed, knowing that he was going to ask me this. "I have no idea. I remember waking up screaming, and out of nowhere, a girl that looked like my mirror reflection walked in on me, making me calm down." I started. Mark was listening carefully. I could've sworn that I told him this already, but I guess he just wanted to make conversation.

"Things seemed to be moving so fast. That girl had given me a ticket for Comicon for the next day. Before I knew it, it was the morning of, and we were there. She had promised me that we'd figure this all out." I gulped, trying to remember exactly what happened. "Then, I saw you when you tapped on my shoulder." I looked up at him again. He had a lopsided smile on his face. "I honestly think that we're meant to be after all." I admitted. He nodded his head. "So do I, (f/n). So do I." he agreed.

I told him everything else that happened to me until I got to the point where I was on the bus with my twin. "She didn't remember anything. She didn't remember the promise, the fact that Khloe is a bitch, nothing. That's the moment where I started realizing that things aren't right. I thought about it and figured out that time was moving too fast for this to be real life, and people were acting so...bizarre." Mark nodded as he swallowed his soda. "After practically being rejected by my 'friends', I walked to the bathroom and something even weirder happened." Mark leaned in to listen closer. "The image of standing outside of the girls' bathroom in the hospital while you were being sewn up came to mind, and it hurt a lot. I had closed my eyes for a moment and I saw nothing but blackness, and when the image came to mind, it was like someone swung a samurai sword in an action movie. Blackness with a white slit moving diagonally across your sight." Mark understood what I meant by that. He folded his hands over the table.

"I don't know why I thought about that, but I just did, and I had to find you just to make sure you were okay. Before I left the school, my shoulder," I rubbed my scar on my shoulder. "Started hurting, and eventually bleeding." Mark cringed like the pain spread to him as well. Just remembering the pain made my shoulder hurt for a brief second.

Mark shook his head. "That's pretty messed up." he stated. I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, tell me about it."

He leaned back in his chair. "Mine was more like a nightmare rather than a heaven. The second I woke up, I kept freaking out and trying to remember your name. I sorted through everything in my house just to find some trace of you, but to no avail." I was saddened. It made me think that if I had killed myself one day, that's something that he'd do, and if there was no trace of me, he'd be sad forever. I would never wish that kind of pain on anybody.

"That is, until I found that engagement ring in my dresser drawer. How did it get there? I'm still trying to figure that out." he said, holding his hands out in confusion. "Yeah, I had the flowers sitting on the window sill in the sunlight. When I saw From Mark on the card, I just wanted to scream." I said with a slight chuckle. He smiled. "I was losing my shit when I found that ring. It made me believe that I was sleep-walking and I just bought that ring like it was a candy bar or something." We both laughed at that.

I pointed at him. "Well, knowing you, that was probably likely at the time." I joked. He laughed even harder. "I would definitely do something like that!" he said back. We calmed ourselves down and I let Mark finish his story. "Anyway, after finding the ring, I thought more about it, and realized that this can't be real life. If it was, I'd probably be able to remember all of the components of it, but I couldn't. The only thing I remembered was that I have a YouTube channel and a lot of subscribers." I chuckled. "I was then texting Bob and Wade, and they kept asking if I was going to Comicon. I was like, Comicon who? I had no idea there was a Comicon, but when I figured out that it was in Indiana, I had to go, so I could see if you were real." He smiled sweetly after that. I couldn't help but get up and hug him. "Oh, Marky!" I squealed as I hugged him tightly. "You're the sweetest person ever." I said before pecking him on his scruffy cheek. He blushed as I sat back down with a wide smile on my face.

He laughed nervously. "Thanks, baybee." he said with a grin. He adjusted himself in his seat to, I guess, work off his nervousness. I giggled, knowing that I give him butterflies and a high heart rate.

"It seemed like time went faster as I neared the end of this experience. After Comicon, all I remember is sitting next to you on the couch, talking. I forgot what we talked about, but whatever it was, I do remember enjoying that time with you." Ermygod, he's so sweet today! I love him so much.

"Then, while you were in school having a rough day, I saw my subscriber count go a lot." Just thinking about Mark's subscriber count decreasing at such a rate made me cringe. What could he have done wrong? The chances of that happening are even lower than Jackson turning into a normal guy rather than a kidnapper, murderer, and possible rapist. And Jackson is dead.

"I remember making a video saying that I was going to quit YouTube. After posting it, I heard you barge in through the door begging for me to be in your presence, it seemed." I remember that part, too. I remember hugging him tightly like some force was bound to rip us apart, just like everything in real life did. I didn't want that happening even in my nightmares.

"It wasn't until you parted from me that I felt so isolated that I'd rather be dead. But then, I found myself in the bathroom with blood on my head. I thought I had died too, but then again, the force of whatever hit me must've knocked me out cold for a while. I'm not sure, but you know." he finished. I nodded my head. "We should find out who hit you." I said. I already have an idea of who hit him, but I'd rather make sure before I mention any names.

"Sure..." Mark said. He then caught the waitress's attention. "But first, we must order food. I'm starving!" I laughed at him and we ordered our food.


it's starting to make more sense now. the whole point of the experience was to make you two realize that you're meant to be. mark kind of knew that, but now, he's more sure of it. <3333333333

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