Chapter 4: Beginning Of The Same Adventure

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~Your POV~

Melissa and I got picked up from Comicon a little after four. Mark told us that he'd be home by around ten, which is probably what time we'll be in Ohio by anyway.

By the time we got back home, about eighty percent of the house was packed up. The men who came over with the moving truck helped us carry the heavy furniture while Melissa and I just carried out small to medium-sized boxes. Every once in a while, I would remember having to do this alone in the dream. I swear, that dream was really something.

We finished moving everything into the moving truck by around six. The men started driving to Ohio, which is literally next to Indiana, and we spent a few minutes looking at the apartment for the last time ever. Despite moving to Ohio where Mark lives, I'm still going to miss living here. I can't remember if I had any friends here or not. I don't receive infinite text messages like Melissa does, so I'll take that as a no.

Melissa patted me on the shoulder. "At least now you have a chance to find out more about this dream in Ohio, where it all happened." she told me. I nodded my head while staring at my bedroom for a little longer. I made sure that I got everything. I checked in my closet, around the floor, I even checked the ceiling. The bouquet of flowers Mark had given me in the dream are still resting in my arms. They haven't died yet, and they haven't even been fed water or anything. When I get to the new apartment, I'll throw them in a glass of water.

Like I had mentioned once before, I can't stand long car rides. I can probably last about four hours at best before feeling car sick or feeling claustrophobic. I felt the same relief I felt in the dream when I realized that Indiana and Ohio are right next to each other.

Melissa kept me distracted from the car ride by talking to me and trying to help me remember my life. My parents were talking amoungst themselves, completely ignoring our conversation like most parents do anyway.

"You didn't really have a lot of friends in school." she told me. I already kind of figured I didn't. After all, I didn't have any friends in Indiana in the dream either.

In the middle of our conversation, Melissa and I somehow fell asleep. We were only an hour away from our new apartment.

Mom and Dad woke us up the second we pulled in. My eyes were feeling sore and irritated when I woke up. Melissa probably felt the same sensation too. Judging by the appearance of this parking lot, it looked like the one from my dream, which made me want to scream, but I held it in.

The men in the moving truck had already arrived here before us and started helping us move in furniture while my parents carried in some boxes. Melissa and I stood outside in the dark, looking up at the crescent moon. "The moon looked like this in my dream." I said randomly. Melissa nodded. "It's still weird how you had a dream that felt so real."

Our furniture was done being arranged in our new apartment. It was only slightly different from the dream, but the change didn't seem too different to me. The couch in the living room was pushed slightly closer toward the T.V., and just the fact that Melissa and I share a room, but other than that, it was relatively the same.

It was ten o'clock and Mark said he'd be home by now. I walked over to his apartment while Melissa went to sleep and knocked on his door. I heard some shuffling noises coming from the inside of his apartment, and a few curses after hearing him knock stuff over just to get to the door. "Fuck!" he yelled as I heard something else drop. I chuckled until he reached the door, opening it.

He smiled at me. "Hey, you're in the same apartment as me...again!" he cheered, hugging me. I hugged him back and shook him like I hadn't seen him in thirty years. I broke from the hug and he invited me inside. "I know! Everything seems be going right so far." I told him. "Maybe I can prevent the bullshit between me and Khloe on the bus tomorrow." Mark nodded. "Yeah, we don't want this to be a repeat of the dream." he said.

I sat down next to Mark on the couch and looked at him. "So, since we have this weird chance to change the future, what do and don't you want to do?" I asked curiously. He leaned back on the couch and thought for a second. I already have an idea of what he wants to change, but I want to hear him say it.

"First off, I want to make those crazy funny videos. I still remember my lines, oddly enough." he said with a laugh. I smiled. "Um, I definitely don't want to start the depression phase and..." he trailed off. I already knew what was coming after that. I told him that he didn't need to explain it any further. He nodded in relief.

He looked at me with his beautiful brown eyes. "If I still have a chance with you...I don't want to ruin it like I always did in my sleep." he said truthfully. My face flushed a light pink. He leaned back foward, still holding eye contact with me. "You lit up the darkest parts of my dream, (f/n), and I can only assume that you'd still do that for me while I'm awake." His smile was making my heart flutter. It's the same kind of smile that someone makes when they're truly happy, and I can't remember if I ever was happy or not in my life.

"There are other things I want to change, but I guess I'll think of them when the time comes." he finished. Without warning, I leaped toward him and hugged him tightly. He wrapped his strong arms around my waist and decreased the distance between our upper bodies. "I love you so much, (f/n)." he said in my ear. I think I heard a hint of sadness in his voice. He sniffled right after saying that.

"I love you so much too, Mark." I said back. "Please don't let me go again. If something-anything- happens between us, just keep chasing after me no matter what I say." I felt Mark nod on my shoulder. "I promise. And I actually mean it too." he said sincerely.


well, this is the start of it all. lets hope that it all ends on a good note because like I said, i favor happy endings over sad ones. :)

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