Chapter 13: Run Away And Never Return

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~Your POV~

My lungs were about to explode. I've been running nonstop for about fifteen minutes as fast as I could, and there's no telling if there's going to be an end to this or not.

"Get your ass back here!" one screamed. That only made me run faster because the sound of their voice was loud enough to assume that they're right on my ass. I abruptly turned a corner and left the gang struggling to catch up to me. "Yo, what the fuck?" someone yelled from behind me. I continued to run away from them while they try to get themselves oriented.

By the time I was farther down this street, the gang had just started running after me. I need to hide Where can a slim, one hundred-twenty pound girl hide? Oh I know! Anywhere!

One of the houses on this street had an empty recycling bin on the side of the road in front of the house. The gang was a little over a hundred feet away from me, so I doubt that they'll notice anything going on here. I quickly climbed inside and closed the lid. "I hope they didn't see me." I whispered.

Seconds later, I heard yelling, cursing, and loud running footsteps go past me. "Where the fuck did she go, man?" one said. There was silence. The silence started scaring me. They'd better not check in here. I was so paranoid that I held my breath until another person spoke.

"I have no idea. Let's just head back." another answered. I heard slow footsteps walk the other way where they came from. I decided to stay in here until I knew that they were gone. Gang members can be very tricky.

~Mark's POV~

I walked outside with Skylar to look for (f/n). We were going to bring her back inside so she can talk to her parents. Skylar wanted to get her away from her apartment, but she has to be home. Her father was just upset and there's no way that he'd hurt her. Or is there?

(F/n) isn't anywhere in sight. I was starting to get worried about her. Skylar and I looked around the whole front of the building, but we couldn't find her anywhere. Something obviously happened to her while we were inside.

"Where the hell did she go!?" Skylar yelled as she threw something really hard on the road. It looked like a plant pot or something that was empty. She has to control her anger.

"I don't know. She couldn't have gone far." I answered. It had to be true. We only sent her outside five minutes ago. Where could she have gone?

We started expanding the search a little more. Skylar walked away in one direction (ew :p), and I walked the other. The way I was heading was toward a nearby neighborhood. I hope we find her soon.

~Your POV~

Minutes have passed by and I'm still hiding in this recycle bin. It was completely silent. I was prepared to stay in here for another year or two, but what will I eat? Yeah, the small amount of space in here is making me consider stupid shit.

Just when I thought it couldn't get any more silent, I climbed out of the bin carefully. The bin was tipping over a little bit as I made my way out. It tipped over only slightly just as my foot touched the concrete road. I looked around to make sure there was no one. The silence was really killing me. There has to be someone here ready to jump me. I really hope not.

I was about to head back home when I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I jumped in fear when I felt the firm grip on my shoulder. I spun around and saw that it was Mark. "(F/n), where have you been?" he asked me. His eyebrows furrowed. "And sorry for scaring you." he added. I sighed a breath of relief. "They were chasing me." I told him. 

"Who was?" Mark asked.

"Those gang members."

Mark started inspecting my body to make sure I wasn't hurt. "Did they hurt you?" he asked as he checked my arms and shoulders. I shook my head. "No. I managed to escape." I answered. He held my hand and started walking me back home. In the distance, I saw Skylar walking toward us. She had the look of relief on her face. "Thank fucking God you're okay." she said. She was sweating, like she ran a few miles.  I nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine." I assured her.

"Where did you go?" she asked. I looked at Mark, who had a worried look on his face. Skylar also looked at him, and then back at me. "They were chasing you, weren't they?" she asked bluntly. I nodded. "Yep." I said back. "I hid in that recycle bin. I don't even know how long I've been hiding for." 

On our way back home, we were talking about how to get the gang to leave us alone. None of us even came close to a resolution. How can we possibly get a gang to back off when they're so hooked on killing us? It's not like I killed anyone. I just threw a gun at the leader. He was unconscious, but he wasn't dead, right?


sorry this chapter is a little short -___- the next one will be a little longer, I promise :)

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