Chapter 15: I Did It (Slight Smut)

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~Your POV~

Skylar spent the next half an hour making phone call after phone call. After talking to someone for about ten minutes now, she hung up the phone and approached us with a smile on her face. "It's all going underway." she told us. "I got a few guys in on the plan and they're going out to look for them now." I sighed a breath of relief. I hope that this time, Skylar's plan will actually work and not get us close to our deaths.

Skylar took a seat next to me on the couch. "And now, we wait." she said. Mark and I just looked around the room, not sure of what we should be doing right now. "Well, what are we supposed to do?" I asked her. She looked at me and waved us off. "Eh, you guys can go get it on. I'll be here watching T.V." she said bluntly.

Mark turned to me and smirked. "You know, that's not such a bad idea." he whispered in my ear. Great, I'm already feeling hot. Skylar watched as Mark whispered in my ear, and bit her lip. Before Skylar said anything, I pulled Mark up from the couch and dragged him to my bedroom. Skylar chuckled, shrugged, and skimmed through the channels on the T.V.

I closed the door behind me and Mark pushed me up against the wall roughly. I forced out a grunt due to the impact. Mark's hands were cupped around my cheeks and he was kissing me deeply. His tongue slipped in seconds later. Our tongues practically danced with each other and Mark's grip was now on my sides, tightening as he pressed harder against me. "Mm, (f/n), I want it." he said in my mouth as his tongue was still dancing with mine.

I pushed Mark onto my bed, me on top. His hands moved from my sides to the pockets in the back of my jeans. His fingers slid inside each of them, I guess to make it either more romantic or kinky. I just unbuckled the belt I had on and let Mark pull my pants down slightly. Mark was gently biting my lower lip as he pulled my pants down painfully slowly.

Just when half of my butt was exposed, someone barged into my room. "Guys, something bad is happening!" Skylar yelled, scaring the shit out of me and Mark. I hopped off of him and faced Skylar as I pulled up my pants. "What's happening?" I asked. Mark also looked a little scared. Skylar put her phone in her back pocket. "The gang knows where we are. They forced my guys to reveal our location and now they're coming." she told us in a blind panic. 

I grabbed her by the shoulders and jerked her back and forth. "How the fuck did that happen so quickly!?" I screamed in her face. She shook her head. "I don't know! I don't always have the answers!" I rolled my eyes at her comment. "No, whenever you have the answer, something bad always happens afterward." I corrected. Skylar looked slightly offended, and maybe even a bit hurt. My face softened and I apologized to her. "I'm sorry, that was kind of heartless of me." I confessed. She shrugged it off. "It's fine. I get worse treatment at home." she told me. 

Skylar pulled something out from the backpack she brought with her. I couldn't see it from here, but since it looks like she's trying to hide it from us, it must be bad. "Let's just settle this shit." she added as she opened my bedroom door. Mark and I exchanged looks, and left the room with her. I have a feeling that this is not going to end well.

I locked the door to my apartment before leaving this place just as a safety precaution since Skylar fucked up again. I'm assuming that Skylar knows where we have to go, and I'm sure Mark is assuming the same thing. We followed her from behind. Whatever she was holding in her hands was completely out of our sight because she was holding it against her chest. 

Mark started whispering something to me. "What is she holding?" he asked quietly. I looked at her, and shrugged. "I have no idea." I said back. We made it outside and Skylar started walking down the street. I wonder where she's taking us.

Minutes passed and we're now by an alleyway. Judging by how sketchy it looked, I assumed that this is where those gang members meet. But why would Skylar go to them when they're out to get us? 

We didn't see any of the gang members here, which relieved me only a little bit. Skylar won't be able to do whatever it was that she planned. Unfortunately for me, she seemed to have another idea up her sleeve. She walked further into the alleyway and pulled something else out of her backpack. It looked like a knife that had blood stains all over it. I was very confused as to what was going on, and when Skylar turned to me, I completely expressed my confusion through facial expressions. 

"It's all my fault." she said. "You didn't kill that gang leader. I did." My eyes widened. I could've sworn that killed him. I threw a gun at his head! Who wouldn't have died from that, especially because the gun was more blunt than a metal bat?

"What do you mean "you killed him"?" I asked in disbelief. Mark looked very shocked too. "When those gang members chased after you, I snuck into that house and killed him while he was unconscious." I stepped away from her. " the hell did you even hear about this now?" I asked, almost bumping into Mark behind me. Skylar shrugged. "I was there for my own reasons and when I saw you throw the gun, those guys chased after you while that piece of shit was down."

"I don't know why I'm so surprised because you're fucked up in the head." I pointed out. Skylar had an evil look on her face. "That gang leader and I have had issues for a long time now. But I win, and there's nothing anybody can do about it."

Suddenly, the group of gang members snuck up behind Skylar with a gun aimed at her head. She didn't notice, but the other guys were pointing a gun at us. In order to live, Mark and I have to keep our mouths shut. We had no choice but to oblige. Without a second thought, one of the gang members shot Skylar right in the head. My mouth shot open in shock. "NO! WHAT THE FUCK!?" I screamed. Skylar fell limp right away and landed sideways on the road. The gang members lowered their guns and put them away. "We don't fuck around, kid." one said as he kicked Skylar's dead back. I pushed them away. "Sky!" I cried, holding her dead body in my arms. Mark fell to his knees next to me and started crying. The gang members just walked away like nothing happened. I ordered Mark to call the police immediately.

While in disbelief that my best friend was just killed, I was shaking her around. Her blue eyes were now closed. Tears were clouding my vision and my mind went blank. Mark was talking, but I couldn't listen to what he was saying. And before I knew it, there were cops and ambulances here by us.


oh no...skylar is officially dead :(( r.i.p. T___T

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