Chapter 8: You Did What!?

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~Your POV~

Mark and I spent a half an hour eating lunch at the restaurant. We tried to talk about something other than the "near-death experience". We caught up with each other, he told me that he's pretty much finished with therapy, and in between conversations and laughs, he would sincerely apologize for hurting me. I kept on telling him that it was fine, but he insisted that he'd make that overly clear.

Mark and I headed back to the apartment. Now that I think about it, I'm kind of grateful that I don't have a sister. I mean, I bet it would be fun having one, but I wouldn't want to change a thing about my life. Besides, I hear that siblings fight a lot, and I already have Skylar.

My parents were home. They wondered why I wasn't in school right now, which was weird but they don't know that I was in the hospital. I told them everything that happened, and their eyes were left wide. I told them about Terrance and how he and I had to run away from gang members. He got shot in the leg. I have no idea what happened to him, honestly. Maybe Korey called an ambulance. I showed them my scar on my shoulder, and they were so ready to touch it until I flinched back.

"I can't believe we didn't get a call about this!" Mom yelled. I tried to calm her down. "Mom, they took me right in and removed the bullet, sewed me up, and I fell asleep soon after. Mark fell asleep on my bedside." That was sort of a lie because Mark slept on the bed next to me, but Mark took the hint and just nodded in agreement. I sighed and looked down. "I'm sorry I didn't call you. Everything just happened too fast." My parents looked at each other, and hugged me. "I'm just so happy you're safe." Dad said in my ear. I hugged them back. Mark just stood there and smiled. Dad smiled at him and motioned him to join the hug. He did so.

After parting from the hug, my Dad started talking to Mark about something while Mom took me to the bathroom to disinfect my scar. "Hey Mom, can I tell you something?" I asked. She nodded as she dabbed peroxide around the scar. I breathed in and started talking to her about what happened after I got shot. She was just standing there and listening to me. At first, she thought it was a little weird, but since I explained everything in full detail, she started to believe me.

"I remember running over to Mark's apartment and just hugging him tightly, like I was going to lose him at any moment." I told her. Mom threw out the cotton ball she used to sterilize my scar. I followed her out of the bathroom and continued to explain. "Before I had time to process it, we were both being sucked through this black hole and ended up back where we passed out, or as Korey put it, died." Mom gave me a weird look. "Isn't Korey dead?" she asked, now finding it hard to believe me. I shook my head. "I saw him at the hospital last night. He told me that they were able to save him before the bullet in his head caused fatal damage. I can call him up and prove it to you." I answered, pulling out my phone. Mom shook her head. "No, I believe you, honey." she said with a smile.

I went back out to the living room and sat on the couch until Mark and Dad were done talking. I felt lke watching a DVD with Mark at his place like we always used to do.

~Mark's POV~

While (f/n) and her mother went to the bathroom, her Dad pulled me aside to talk to me. He looked pretty happy, so I wasn't too worried.

"You're always there to protect my girl." he stated. I smiled and nodded. "I told you I always was, and now you finally believe me." I joked. He cracked a laugh. "Maybe you're not as bad as I thought you were. (F/n) never brought home any boys, so I never knew what to expect." I nodded my head. "I understand, and thank you, sir." I said politely. He smiled at that.

When (f/n) and her mother came out of the bathroom, I heard them talking. I heard Korey's name somewhere in (f/n)'s sentence. She's probably telling her mother what happened.

(F/n) sat on the couch in the living room. Her father and I finished our conversation and I finally sat next to her. "Hey you." I said, wrapping my arm around her shoulders. She rested her head on my right shoulder. "I feel like wat-" She was interrupted by the sound of her phone going off. She pulled it out and looked at a message she just received. I peered over at her phone and saw it was from Skylar.

~Your POV~

Skylar: Hey can we meet?

I was a little curious as to why she wanted to meet up, so I asked her, Why?

Skylar: Cuz, I have to tell you something. I'll be at the park if you want to meet. Mark read it too, and said that we can go if I want. I nodded and brought Mark with me.

The park wasn't too far away. Mark and I walked there. Besides, it was such a beautiful day! Mark and I were holding hands the whole time there, exchanging smiles at each other constantly. We talked for most of the way there, but we just wanted to savour the beautiful day and the perfect moment.

We saw Skylar's sky blue hair in the park. In fact, that's the only thing that really stands out there. If it were summer and the grass was an unnatural green color, then Skylar would have some competition.

She turned around and saw us walking toward her. She noticed how Mark and I were holding hands, and looked a little confused. "I thought you two broke up." she said as we came closer to her. I looked at him, and nodded at her. "We just needed a break." I lied. Mark agreed with me. Skylar stood up and just looked into my eyes. They stayed still, looking into hers. She knew I was lying, but she really doesn't need to know what happened.

She finally nodded. "Okay, I believe you." she said bluntly. "Anyway, I have to tell you something." I nodded and listened to her. She struggled to talk. Each time she tried to produce sound, it always came out crackly or not at all.

"Sky, just tell us. It's okay." I assured her. She looked back and forth at me and Mark. "I-I was the one who hit Mark over the head at the mall." she admitted. Mark's eyes widened, and I just froze. I don't understand why she did that at all. Mark beat me to it and asked her why.

"Why would you do that!? I was trying to surprise (f/n) with something!" He seemed very upset. Skylar tried to calm him down, but he was just irritated. His head must've been screaming for mercy if Skylar, of all people, hit him.

"Terrance told me that you got shot. He was in the hospital because he was shot in the leg, and he saw you get shot too. He was completely helpless when he witnessed you getting shot, and when he told me that, I assumed that you would die or see something as you're on the verge of dying. So I went out to look for Mark, and when I found him, I hit him hard enough for him to fall unconscious." I stared into Skylar's eyes. I knew what she was trying to do now.

"You helped us reconcile." I stated. She nodded slowly. "(F/n), I was in love with you, but I knew that you loved Mark. If I really loved you, I'd want to see you happy, and you were always happy as me being your friend and Mark being your boyfriend." she explained. I smiled along with Mark. She smiled, too. "You guys deserve each other." she finished.

The three of us hugged each other in the middle of the park. We were all finally friends again. Now, I just have to fix everything else between my other friends.


skylar was the one to knock mark out! :OOOO well, she did it for a good reason, so skylar is definitely a good friend...even though shes cray as hell lmfao

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