Chapter 12: Daddy Dearest

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~Your POV~

We were almost back at the apartment building. The whole car ride was pretty silent since Mark started driving. Mark would look over at me once in a while, but the ride was otherwise uneventful.

Mark pulled up at the apartment. "You know, it's amazing how we can't even get through a day of school without something happening." I said finally. Skylar agreed with me. "Yeah, with the fucking school shooting, you being kidnapped, I mean, what the hell man?" she said.

Mark pulled out his phone. "Well, somebody sent me a message on my phone earlier today." he told me. I looked at the message and started getting scared. Skylar read it, too. "That's definitely one of the gang members." Skylar pointed out. I sighed. "Yeah, this explains why the school was on lockdown. They know where I am."

"I guess I'll have to hide out for a few weeks or until this whole shit wears down." I started walking toward the entrance of the apartment building. Just as I was opening the door, Skylar grabbed me by the wrist. "Sky, I just want to go home for a while. Please let me go." I said weakly. She shook her head and pulled me closer to her. "We need to end this, now." she said. How the hell are we going to stop blood-thirsty gang members from attacking me? I mean, once we're involved with these guys, it's literally hell trying to get out. 

"Okay. How?" I asked, not really caring. Skylar looked at Mark, who seemed to not want any part of this situation. I know he wanted to help me somehow, though.

"I don't know, but we'll figure something out. The longer we shrug this off, the worse it'll be, and we'll all be dead." Skylar actually had a point. Gangs are not something that people should get mixed up with. It's like pouring poisonous pasta sauce on top of a serving of freshly made pasta. It just causes deaths all around.

I nodded at Skylar. In the meantime, I just wanted to go home for a while. Those gang members are probably at the school still, looking for me. Probably Skylar too because their main mission was to kill her. Why? I still have no idea.

Mark and Skylar followed me to my apartment. My parents were home, for once. They were wondering why I was out of school so early. I didn't want to tell them the real reason, so I came up with a bullshit lie that no one's heard about since elementary school.

"The power went out." I lied. My parents rolled their eyes and chuckled softly. "I swear, that school is always about conserving power, and when God forbid the lights go out, all hell breaks loose." Dad joked. I laughed with him. "Yeah, they're pretty bipolar about stuff like that." I agreed. Skylar smiled and nodded, trying to force out a laugh.

"Why are you guys home so early?" I asked. My parents sighed. Oh no...something obviously happened.

"Honey, we both got fired today." Mom admitted. The three of us were surprised. Well, my Mom always got fired for some reason at every job she had (oh wait, I know why...), but my Dad...he almost never got fired. I mean, he used to get screwed over in terms of hours and paycheck cuts, but he still worked for the sake of the small paycheck he got every week.

"My boss was furious with me because Francis and his whole family are in prison." Mom explained. Oh that's right. Karen and my Mom were co-workers. "Apparently, I'm the one that got Karen put in jail." Mom was looking at me now with a sad look on her face. It kind of scared me a little bit.

Dad stood up from the kitchen chair. "I got fired because apparently I'm not consistent on my work. But I'm always rushing home just to make sure you're alright." He started coming closer to me. I stepped back and accidentally bumped into Mark. Mark's eyes were fixed on Dad's every move. "Where are you going, (f/n)?" Dad asked creepily. Mom was still sitting there, watching Dad. "(Your Dad's name), no. Leave her alone!" Mom yelled. She got up and tried to hold him back, but Mom was too weak. Mark and Skylar pushed me toward the door. (F/n), get out of here!" Mark yelled. I did as he said and started running down the hallway outside.

~Mark's POV~

I made (f/n) run away. Skylar and I tried pushing her father back, but he was stronger than the both of us. Even her Mom tried pulling him back, but we're all too weak. What the hell even happened? Her father and I had this strong bond, and now I'm trying to protect (f/n) from him.

"I just want to give her a big hug!" he said, as if he really was going to do that. Skylar ended up kicking him in the balls. On impact, he fell to his knees and tried to squeeze the pain out of...that area, but he obviously wasn't very successful.

"Mr. (L/n), she didn't do anything. You're overreacting. Besides, she gets enough of that abuse at school." I explained. His face softened despite the pain he was in. I guess he had forgotten that his only daughter wasn't any happier than he was. He let my words sink in until more pain occurred. Both physical and emotional.

"Why the hell would I hurt my only child?" he cried. He was probably tearing up from Skylar's swing at his balls. Her mother loosened her grip on his shoulders. She knelt down next to him and tried to comfort him. "I understand that you're upset, but why would you take it out on (f/n)?" she asked calmly. He shook his head. His face was very red from crying and being in pain. "I don't know." he whispered.

~Your POV~

I was really scared to go home now. How do I know that it's safe? Is Dad going to hit me?

While I was lost in this swimming pool of questions, I heard an angry voice yell out my name. "(F/N)!" the male voice screamed. I looked around and noticed a group of people running toward me with weapons in their hands. I stepped back a few feet until I broke into a run. "Fuck this shit." I said as I sprinted off down the street.


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