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double update cause I love yall


My face looks wrinkly.

"according to the recent repor..."

Is that grey hair!

"...our finance bar is sinkin...."

Was my head always this small, damn what happened to my eyes!.

"Mr. Kim..."

I better consult a cosmetic surgeon

"MR. KIM..."

But I don't know any cosmetic surgeon...

"MR.KIM SEOKJIN!" He huffed and at last granted his precious piece of attention from the shiny surface of the table to the poor lady boss who had been calling out his name several times.

And it dawned at him that he was in the meeting room, sitting between the annoying and nosy jealous colleagues. He straighten himself and stared deep into her glossy eyes, more like glared to interrupt him from his daze.


"Are you listening?"

Jin shrugged his shoulders "yes, why won't I?"

She snickered, lolling her neck a little, showcasing her proud long neck "then care to tell me what we were discussing a moment ago?"

An offending smirk decorated on his features "of course, as you said, our finance team needs to work out a strategy, better design a client-friendly structure of our company..."

"thank you now sit down and pay ..."

"Sorry but I better be somewhere else than this shitty conference room where you can't conduct a single professional presentation, and your lipstick shade is ridiculous ma'am. Can I go now? And don't bother sharing these meeting details with me. Thanks."

With an angry glare, he burst out of the meeting room and marched to his car. His lungs were in desperate need to inhale and his clenched fists were ready to swing at any other passing object, but ohhh god, he chose to keep his hands in his pocket.

As soon as he sat on the comfortable car seat, he inhaled sharply, his lungs burned as his eyes were itchy with humiliation. He banged his fist on the steering wheel with frustration.

"dang. I did that again."

"Mr. Kim!" a soft voice suddenly called him and he whipped his face only to throw cold daggers at that poor doughnut bitch who had the audacity to ruin his peaceful self-humiliation session.

"what?" he spats rudely. Sheesh get a grip girl, is that drool...awkh

" I ..I..w.was hop.pping.."

Awh she is stuttering, gross "look I don't have time for some stupid play, spit it and get lost"

Did she giggle?

She fucking giggled. Oh my god, great!

He threw the most disappointed and disgusted look at the 'stupid bitch' and started his car, ignoring her 'pleads' and let her go wild on posh clean roads of Seol.

yuck, what's wrong with these girls? Why are they the most disgusting species on earth (sorry in advance girls)? He shudders at the idea of having a girl around that only giggles and does nothing other than drooling at him insanely.

Fuck! He groaned, this outburst was the third time in a row, how is he going to keep up with his work with this shitty attitude.

Ughh! And his nose, was it always a fucking button nose? He was clearly losing his mind!

He stopped his baby near a coffee shop to get his caffeine refill but damn can't this day be any great?

As soon as he entered the café, his eyes landed on a fluffy pink hair and his feet froze.

"hey, welcome to sunshine and rainb..... what THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?"


He looked at the furious pink-haired short boy, wearing a cute yellow overall and blue tees, his eyes watered but he chose to keep his face straight.

"hey mini..."

"SHUT UP AND GET LOST" the boy shrieked and trembled. his chest heaving up and down and his lower lip did that small tremble. he was upset. shoot!

"Minnie, what's wrong? HAAAPPPHHHH HYYUUUUNNNGGGG" and unfortunately, Hope had to be there, he just had to be existing and making his heart warm. He smiled softly at the hyped hobi "hey hope I..."

" what are you doing here? Ah, Minnie, go and get hyung his latte..."

"FUCK OFF, I DON'T SERVE MURDERERS, AND I AM NOT MINNIE, PARK JIMIN, ITS PARK JIMIN" still, the trembling boy managed to go back behind his stall and prepare a cup.

"uhh hah he's angry" J hope takes Jin towards his table and organizes his scattered books and some random notes. Jin takes off his coat and smiled at J hope's radiant smile.

 Jimin waddled towards their table and slammed Jin's latte in front of him and some of the liquid spills from the cup and lands on the clean surface of the table. J hope chuckles nervously and whispers apologetically to Jin" he's still a little chili pepper"


"stop yelling, you'll scrape your throat," Jin said in a hushed voice. He managed to take a sneak peek at the boy's face. He was bewildered to see a tsunami of emotions on the trembling boy's face.


"I thought I told you not to show me your fucking face, it cuts my heart to see you  live." He sobbed and his flooded eyes let go of the streams of tears on his blushed cheeks." Die already"

Jin kept his gaze with the boy in front of him, his eyes were emotionless less but his chest was nothing but a mist of sorrow and pain.

"I wish that too" he managed to croak. "But, I can't die like a loser" he stood on his feet and pet Jimin's red cheeks tenderly "a winner, dies a winner Minnie"

He placed some money and rushed out of the sunshine and rainbow café with a heavy heart and a throbbing headache.

Jimin silently watched the fancy tux coat on the chair.

"I wish you to die" he softly touches and tugs at the fancy coat, sadness hallows around his small being. "cause I'm tired of hating you."

He wiped his nose and wet cheeks, a small pouty smile dances on his face, he gleamed at poor worried hobi "want another piece of pastry hobi hyung?"

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